Package mpi

Class UserFunction

  • public abstract class UserFunction
    extends java.lang.Object
    Java equivalent of the MPI_USER_FUNCTION.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void call​(java.lang.Object inVec, java.lang.Object inOutVec, int count, Datatype datatype)
      User-defined function for a new Op.
      void call​(java.nio.ByteBuffer in, java.nio.ByteBuffer inOut, int count, Datatype datatype)
      User-defined function for a new Op.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • UserFunction

        public UserFunction()
    • Method Detail

      • call

        public void call​(java.lang.Object inVec,
                         java.lang.Object inOutVec,
                         int count,
                         Datatype datatype)
                  throws MPIException
        User-defined function for a new Op.
        inVec - array of values to combine with inoutvec elements
        inOutVec - in-out array of accumulator locations
        count - number of items in arrays
        datatype - type of each item
        MPIException - Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.
      • call

        public void call​(java.nio.ByteBuffer in,
                         java.nio.ByteBuffer inOut,
                         int count,
                         Datatype datatype)
                  throws MPIException
        User-defined function for a new Op.
        in - direct byte buffer to combine with inOut buffer
        inOut - in-out direct byte buffer of accumulator locations
        count - number of items in buffers
        datatype - type of each item
        MPIException - Signals that an MPI exception of some sort has occurred.