Package mpi

Class DistGraphNeighbors

  • public final class DistGraphNeighbors
    extends java.lang.Object
    Adjacency information for a distributed graph topology.
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected DistGraphNeighbors​(int[] sources, int[] sourceWeights, int[] destinations, int[] destWeights, boolean weighted)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getDestination​(int i)
      Gets a process for which the calling process is a source
      int getDestinationWeight​(int i)
      Gets the weight of an edge out of the calling process.
      int getInDegree()
      Gets the number of edges into this process.
      int getOutDegree()
      Gets the number of edges out of this process.
      int getSource​(int i)
      Gets a process for which the calling process is a destination.
      int getSourceWeight​(int i)
      Gets the weight of an edge into the calling process.
      boolean isWeighted()
      Returns false if MPI_UNWEIGHTED was supplied during creation.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • DistGraphNeighbors

        protected DistGraphNeighbors​(int[] sources,
                                     int[] sourceWeights,
                                     int[] destinations,
                                     int[] destWeights,
                                     boolean weighted)
    • Method Detail

      • getInDegree

        public int getInDegree()
        Gets the number of edges into this process.
        number of edges into this process
      • getOutDegree

        public int getOutDegree()
        Gets the number of edges out of this process.
        number of edges out of this process
      • isWeighted

        public boolean isWeighted()
        Returns false if MPI_UNWEIGHTED was supplied during creation.
        false if MPI_UNWEIGHTED was supplied, true otherwise
      • getSource

        public int getSource​(int i)
        Gets a process for which the calling process is a destination.
        i - source index
        process for which the calling process is a destination
      • getSourceWeight

        public int getSourceWeight​(int i)
        Gets the weight of an edge into the calling process.
        i - source index
        weight of the edge into the calling process
      • getDestination

        public int getDestination​(int i)
        Gets a process for which the calling process is a source
        i - destination index
        process for which the calling process is a source
      • getDestinationWeight

        public int getDestinationWeight​(int i)
        Gets the weight of an edge out of the calling process.
        i - destination index
        weight of an edge out of the calling process