PRIMECLUSTERGlobal Disk Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.5
FUJITSU Software

M.3.2 Specification Changes in 4.2A00

Specification changes other than new features in the version 4.2A00 of this software are as follows.

M.3.2.1 The sdxproxy Command Option -e delay

GDS Snapshot 4.1A40 and earlier

With the -e delay option of the sdxproxy command, even if delay time outside the range of 0 to 1000 (in millisecond) is specified, the sdxproxy command does not fail and the specified delay time becomes effective.

GDS Snapshot 4.2A00 and later

With the -e delay option of the sdxproxy command, if delay time outside the range of 0 to 1000 (in millisecond) is specified, the sdxproxy command fails and the following error message is output. msec is the delay time specified in -e delay=msec.

ERROR: msec: invalid delay value