PRIMECLUSTERGlobal Disk Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.5
FUJITSU Software

J.3 Preparation

Take the following procedure on the original system.

This section explains the example when the class name is Class1

  1. Canceling proxy

    When GDS Snapshot is used, cancel the master-proxy relationship.

    For how to cancel the relationship, see "5.5.5 Breaking a Proxy or "D.14 sdxproxy - Proxy object operations."

  2. Backing up object configuration of local classes

    Back up object configuration of all local classes.

    # sdxconfig Backup -c Class1 -o /var/tmp/Class1.conf
  3. Saving configuration information of local classes

    When copying the data of the local disk, save the configuration information of the target local classes.

    # sdxinfo -c Class1 -e long > /var/tmp/