PRIMECLUSTERGlobal Disk Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.5
FUJITSU Software

J.1 Summary

See below for the procedure of cloning.

  1. Preparation

    On the original system, prepare for cloning such as collecting the configuration information of GDS.

  2. Copying the disk data

    Copy the disk data of the original system to the disk of the copy destination system.

    To copy the system disk, use the following functions of OS:

    • Solaris 10: Flash archive

    • Solaris 11 or later: Unified Archives

    Copy the data by using software that provides the cloning function, or by using the function to copy the disk data such as the copy function of storage.

  3. Setting up the copy destination system

    On the copy destination system, change the GDS configuration depending on the hardware configuration.

If the system disk is mirrored on the copy source system, depending on the flash archive or the function of Unified Archives, the system disk mirroring is automatically canceled on the copy destination system. In this case, the system disk mirroring needs to be set manually again.

Take either of the following procedures to clone the disk of the local class.

Determine the copy range by the software and the specification of the copy function (which areas that can be copied) to use the data copy and by the necessity of copying data of volume areas.