PRIMECLUSTERGlobal Disk Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.5
FUJITSU Software

A.2.4 Initializing Disk

When physical disks are registered with classes other than shadow classes, all data contained in the physical disks will be lost since GDS automatically reformats the disks (excepting when the disks are registered with the root class as keep disks). Therefore, when registering physical disks that contain data with classes, back up disk data in advance, and restore the data after creating volumes.

If the device special file name of the physical slice on a physical disk registered with a class is set to /etc/vfstab and so on, it is required to change it to the device special file name for the following volume.

Character device special file:


Block device special file:


If a disk restore operation is performed after swapping physical disks, data contained in the physical disk will also be lost.

When using GDS Management View, a confirmation window will be displayed if an operation that can cause data loss is attempted. However, when using a command, perform operations carefully because such a confirmation message is not displayed.

In order to register physical disks with classes other than shadow classes ensuring disk data, it is necessary to register the physical disks with the root class as keep disks.