GDS can only manage physical disks controlled by the following device drivers. In other words, physical disks controlled by other disk drivers cannot be registered with classes.
SCSI disk driver
(Solaris standard equipment)
Device driver for disk arrays and Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) disks
(Solaris standard equipment)
IDE disk driver
(Solaris standard equipment)
Virtual disk client driver which operates in a guest domain in Oracle VM
(Solaris standard equipment)
Fujitsu's disk array device driver
Multi-path driver from Fujitsu
Multi-path driver from Fujitsu
Multi-path driver from Dell EMC
Multi-path driver from Dell EMC
Multi-path driver from Hitachi
Multi-path driver from Hitachi
Multi-path driver from Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Physical disks that can be registered with the root class are only those controlled by the following disk drivers.
sd, ssd, dad, vdc, mplb
When the above requirements are not met, the sdxdisk -M command and the sdxshadowdisk -M command will end abnormally and output one of the following error messages.
SDX: sdxdisk: ERROR: physical_disk_name: disk driver driver_name not supported SDX: sdxdisk: ERROR: physical_disk_name: disk driver driver_name not supported for root class SDX: sdxshadowdisk: ERROR: physical_disk_name: disk driver driver_name not supported
When Fujitsu ETERNUS Multipath Driver is used, create the special file for the mplb device in a /dev/FJSVmplb/[r]dsk/mplb*s* format. It is not possible to manage mplb devices in a /dev/[r]dsk/c*t*d*s* format using GDS.
If registering the following disks to a class, it is necessary to enable MPxIO for these disks registered to the class.
The internal disk of SPARC M12/M
The internal disk of SPARC T4-4/T4-2/T4-1/T3-4/T3-2/T3-1
The disk of Expansion File Unit connected to a 6Gbps SAS card
If MPxIO is disabled, the sdxdisk -M command and the sdxshadowdisk -M command will output the following error message and terminate with an error.
SDX: command_name: ERROR: physical_disk_name: device is MPxIO disabled
GDS cannot manage the hardware RAID disk created with the internal hardware RAID of SPARC M12/M10 or SPARC T4-4/T4-2/T4-1/T3-4/T3-2/T3-1 servers.
When mirroring the system disk in a SAN boot environment (FC connection) of Solaris 11.4 or later, apply ssd driver to the system disk.
If you performed a new installation of Solaris 11.4 or later, sd driver is applied, you need to change it to ssd driver.
You can check the applied driver as follows:
Check the major number of the system disk. In the following example, the major number is 203.
# ls -lL /dev/rdsk/c0t500003948822616Cd0s2 crw-r----- 1 root sys 203, 26 May 17 09:44 /dev/rdsk/c0t500003948822616Cd0s2
Check the driver of the major number checked in the step 1. In the following example, the driver is sd.
# grep 203 /etc/name_to_major
sd 203
See Solaris manual for how to change the driver.