PRIMECLUSTERGlobal Disk Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.5
FUJITSU Software

6.5.3 Restoring

1) Stopping the services

1a) With a shared volume used by a cluster application.

1a-1) Exit RMS.

1a-2) Activate the volume on a node on which restoration is conducted.

# sdxvolume -N -c Class1 -v Volume1

Exit the cluster application.

1b) With a volume not used by a cluster application

1b-1) Stop the services using the volume.

1b-2) When the volume is used as a file system, unmount the file system. In the following example, the mount point is /mnt1.

# cd /
# umount /mnt1

2) Restoring

Restore the volume data. The following shows an example of restoring data from a tape medium of tape device /dev/rmt/0.


For details on the restore methods, see the manuals of file systems to be restored and used commands.

3) Resuming the services

3a) With a shared volume used by a cluster application

3a-1) Inactivate the volume on the node where restoration was conducted.

# sdxvolume -F -c Class1 -v Volume1

3a-2) Launch RMS.

3b) With a volume not used by a cluster application

3b-1) When the volume is used as a file system, mount the file system. In the following example, the mount point is /mnt1.

3b-2) Resume the services.