GDS Management uses icons to show the status of the objects.
The SDX objects that belong to GDS classes and the shadow objects that belong to GDS Snapshot shadow classes are distinguished by fonts. Information related to shadow objects is displayed in italics.
The status and the icons of objects are shown below.
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| Normal | - |
| Abnormal | Abnormality within the node |
| Abnormal | Abnormality of the node |
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| - | - |
Classes (local)
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| Normal | - |
| Abnormal | Abnormality within the (local) class |
| Closed | Closed class within the class |
Classes (shared)
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| Normal | - |
| Abnormal | Abnormality within the (shared) class |
| Closed | Closed class within the class |
Classes (root)
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| Normal | - |
| Abnormal | Abnormality within the (root) class |
Groups (mirror)
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| Normal | - |
| Abnormal | Abnormality within the (mirror) group |
| Abnormal | Closure of the class to which the (mirror) group belongs |
Groups (stripe)
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| Normal | - |
| Abnormal | Abnormality within the (stripe) group |
| Abnormal | Closure of the class to which the (stripe) group belongs |
Groups (concat)
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| Normal | - |
| Abnormal | Abnormality within the (concat) group |
| Abnormal | Closure of the class to which the (concat) group belongs |
Groups (switch)
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| Normal | - |
| Abnormal | Abnormality within the (switch) group |
| Abnormal | Closure of the class to which the (switch) group belongs |
Physical disks
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| Normal | - |
| Abnormal | Object status of some volumes or slices not active |
| Abnormal | Abnormality within the physical disk |
Disks connected to a group
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| enabled | Operation enabled |
| enabled | Some volumes or slices with status other than active |
| enabled | I/O error on the disk |
| disabled | Operation disabled |
| close | Closure of the class to which the disk belongs |
| swap | Disk swap possible |
Single disks
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| enabled | Operation enabled |
| enabled | Some volumes or slices with status other than active |
| enabled | I/O error on the disk |
| disabled | Operation disabled |
| close | Closure of the class to which the single disk belongs |
Spare disks
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| enabled | Operation enabled |
| enabled | Some volumes or slices with status other than active |
| enabled | I/O error on the disk |
| disabled | Operation disabled |
| close | Closure of the class to which the spare disk belongs |
| swap | Disk swap possible |
Unused disks
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| enabled | Operation enabled |
| enabled | I/O error on the disk |
| disabled | Operation disabled |
| close | Closure of the class to which the unused disk belongs |
| swap | Disk swap possible |
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| active | Active volume |
| copy | Copying |
| warning | Object status of some slices not active (except slices in copying process) |
| stop | Volume stopped |
| invalid | Abnormality of volume |
| close | Closure of the class to which the volume belongs |
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| active | Active slice |
| stop | Slice stopped |
| invalid | Abnormality of slice (Invalid data) |
| close | Closure of the class to which the slice belongs |
| copy | Copying |
| copy-stop | Synchronization copying temporarily interrupted |
| temp | Slice temporarily excluded (accessible) |
| temp-stop | Slice temporarily excluded (inaccessible) |
| nouse | Operation disabled |
Proxy volumes
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| active | Active proxy volume |
| copy | Copying |
| warning | Object status of some slices not active (except slices in copying process) |
| stop | Proxy volume stopped |
| invalid | Abnormality of proxy volume |
| close | Closure of the class to which the proxy volume belongs |
Proxy groups
Icon | Status | Meaning |
| Normal | - |
| Abnormal | Abnormality within the group |
| Abnormal | Closure of the class to which the group belongs |
Abnormality Detected with GDS Management
What GDS Management displays as abnormal is limited to objects detected by GDS.
Therefore, even if the disk unit may have a hardware abnormality, it will be displayed as normal until it is accessed, and then abnormality is detected.
You should pinpoint the hardware error on a disk unit based on, for example, log messages for the disk driver output in the /var/adm/messages file. For details, see "F.1.12 Disk Unit Error."