PRIMECLUSTERGlobal Disk Services Configuration and AdministrationGuide 4.5
FUJITSU Software

1.7 GDS I/O Monitor Option Features

GDS I/O Monitor Option is an optional software of GDS that provides additional function to GDS.

The transaction process must be finished within a given time in the database of the core system.
However when hardware or transfer route error occurs in the I/O device, I/O response may be delayed in order for the retry process or recovery and degradation to operate.
GDS I/O Monitor Option provides I/O response time assurance to ensure I/O response within a given time (default time is within 23 seconds) in order to avoid effects caused by I/O delay of the disk.

Figure 1.46 I/O Response Time Assurance


  • GDS I/O Monitor Option cannot be used in the virtual environments (system using Oracle VM, Solaris Zone, or Solaris Kernel Zones).

  • The maximum time for a response from I/O can be set by a parameter. For the internal disk, 23 seconds or more is recommended and 33 seconds or more is recommended for the ETERNUS. For details, see "D.7 sdxattr - Set objects attributes."


For operation details, see "Chapter 8 I/O Response Time Assurance."