PRIMECLUSTER Clustering Base4.5A10 Installation Guide
FUJITSU Software

B.1.1 Upgrading from PRIMECLUSTER Clustering Base 4.5A00

  1. If you are using Cluster Applications, check the configuration name of RMS by executing the following command on any one of the cluster nodes.
    Put down the name as you can use it later.

    # hvdisp -a | grep Configuration <Return>
    Configuration: /opt/SMAW/SMAWRrms/build/<configuration_name>.us
  2. Stop RMS if you are using Cluster Applications.

    # hvshut -a <Return>
  3. Boot each cluster node in single user mode.

    [Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6]

    Edit the contents of the id entry of the /etc/inittab file using vi(1) etc. as shown below to start the system in single-user mode.


    • The default runlevel varies depending on the system (3 in the example below).

    • Put down the default target before upgrading as you can restore the system to the state prior to upgrading later.

    [Before Modification]
    #   3 - Full multiuser mode
    #   4 - unused
    #   5 - X11
    #   6 - reboot (Do NOT set initdefault to this)
    [After Modification]
    #   3 - Full multiuser mode
    #   4 - unused
    #   5 - X11
    #   6 - reboot (Do NOT set initdefault to this)

    Start the system again in single-user mode.

    # shutdown -r now <Return>
    [Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7]

    Check the default target.


    • The default target before upgrading ([] in the following example) varies depending on the system.

    • Put down the default target before upgrading as you can restore the system to the state prior to upgrading later.

    # systemctl get-default <Return>

    The default target changes in single-user mode.

    # systemctl set-default <Return>

    Start the system again in single-user mode.

    # shutdown -r now <Return>
  4. When update the basic software from existing environment, updating basic software, see the following document Operating Update manual.

  5. Proceed the following steps on each cluster node.

    1. Create a backup directory.

      # mkdir /<mydir> <Return>
    2. Back up the PRIMECLUSTER operating environment.

      # cp -p /usr/opt/reliant/etc/hvipalias /<mydir> <Return>
      # cp -p /var/opt/FJSVclapm/etc/Tuning_Param /<mydir> <Return>
      # cp -p /etc/services /<mydir> <Return>
      # crontab -u root -l > /<mydir>/crontab.bak <Return>

      In case of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (for Intel64) ,
      back up the PRIMECLUSTER operating environment.

      # cp -p /opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/webview.cnf /<mydir> <Return>
      # cp -p /opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/.policy /<mydir> <Return>
      # cp -p /opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/wvlocal.cnf /<mydir> <Return>

      Check if the Plugin.html file has not been changed.

      Open the /opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/Plugin.html file using vi(1) etc. then check the default value( 60 ) is set for the following entry:Back up the GLS operating environment.

      <PARAM NAME = Initial_wait VALUE ="60">

      If it is different from the default value, take a note of the value.
      This value will be used to restore it later.

    3. If you are using GLS, back up the GLS operating environment.

      # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetbackup -d /<mydir> <Return>

      The backup file name is "hanetYYYYMMDD.bk". YYYYMMDD shows information of the command execution date. (YYYY: year, MM: month, DD: day)

    4. If you are using GDS, back up the GDS operating environment.

      # cp -p /etc/sysconfig/devlabel /<mydir> <Return>
      # cp -p /etc/sysconfig/devlabel.d/devname_conf /<mydir> <Return>
    5. Insert the DVD and mount the DVD device.

      # mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/<device file name> <DVD-ROM mount point> <Return>
      <DVDROM_DIR> will be used as the mount point.
    6. Execute the following script then delete a part of the PRIMECLUSTER package.

      # cd <DVDROM_DIR>/Tool <Return>
      # ./upgrade_uninstall <Return>
      Are you sure to remove a part of PRIMECLUSTER from your system (y or n) ? y <Return>
      The uninstallation finished successfully.
    7. Execute the following cluster_install script, and install the package or overwrite it.

      # cd <DVDROM_DIR>/Tool <Return>
      # ./cluster_install -e CB-PG <Return>
      The installation finished successfully.


      • The following message might be output:

        # ./cluster_install -x xx <Return>
        INFO: no package to update

        This message indicates that the newer version of all the packages is installed, so it is not necessary to upgrade.

      • While executing the cluster_install script, the following message might be output

        # ./cluster_install -x xx <Return>
        Installing package <XXXXXXXXXXX> ... skipped.

        This message indicates that the same version of all the packages is installed, so it is not necessary to upgrade.

    8. If you are using GLS, execute the following cluster_install script, and install the package or overwrite it.

      # cd <DVDROM_DIR>/Tool <Return>
      # ./cluster_install -e PCL-GLS <Return>
      : : The installation finished successfully.
    9. If you are using GDS, execute the following cluster_install script, and install the package or overwrite it.

      # cd <DVDROM_DIR>/Tool <Return>
      # ./cluster_install -e PCL-GDS <Return>
      : : The installation finished successfully.
    10. Eject the DVD.

      # cd / <Return>
      # umount <DVDROM_DIR> <Return>
      # eject cdrom <Return>
    11. Restore the PRIMECLUSTER operating environment that was backed up at step 2.

      # cp -p /<mydir>/Tuning_Param /var/opt/FJSVclapm/etc <Return>
      # cp -p /<mydir>/hvipalias /usr/opt/reliant/etc <Return>
      # cp -p /<mydir>/services /etc  <Return>
      # crontab -u root /<mydir>/crontab.bak <Return>

      In case of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (for Intel64) ,
      restore the PRIMECLUSTER operating environment that was backed up at step 2.

      # cp -p /<mydir>/webview.cnf /opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/webview.cnf <Return>
      # cp -p /<mydir>/.policy /opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/.policy <Return>
      # cp -p /<mydir>/wvlocal.cnf /opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/wvlocal.cnf <Return>

      If you find the Plugin.html file has been changed at step 2, restore the value.
      There is no need to do this step if it has *not* been changed.
      Edit the /opt/FJSVwvbs/etc/Plugin.html file using vi(1) etc. then write the value noted at step 2 back to the file (in the example "xx" ):

         [Before Modification]
           <PARAM NAME = Initial_wait VALUE ="60">
         [After Modification] 
           <PARAM NAME = Initial_wait VALUE ="xx">
    12. If you are using GLS, restore the GLS operating environment that was backed up at step 3.

      # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetrestore -f /<mydir>/hanetYYYYMMDD.bk <Return> 
    13. If you are using GDS, restore the GDS operating environment that was backed up at step 4.

      # cp -p /<mydir>/devlabel /etc/sysconfig/devlabel <Return> 
      # cp -p /<mydir>/devname_conf /etc/sysconfig/devlabel.d/devname_conf <Return>
    14. Check the settings of the current automatic startup of RMS and execute the following command according to the settings.

      # hvsetenv HV_RCSTART
      1 <- Check this value.

      If "0"is set, the automatic startup of RMS has been restricted. Go to Step 10.
      If "1" is set, execute the following command to restrict the automatic startup of RMS.

      # hvsetenv HV_RCSTART 0
      # hvsetenv HV_RCSTART
      0 <- Check "0" is output.
  6. After completing step 5 on all the cluster nodes, reboot all the cluster nodes.

    [Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6]

    Edit the contents of the id entry of the /etc/inittab file, which has been changed in Step 3, to the original contents to start the system in multi-user mode.

    [Before Modification]
    #   3 - Full multiuser mode
    #   4 - unused
    #   5 - X11
    #   6 - reboot (Do NOT set initdefault to this)
    [After Modification]
    #   3 - Full multiuser mode
    #   4 - unused
    #   5 - X11
    #   6 - reboot (Do NOT set initdefault to this)

    Start the system again.

    # shutdown -r now <Return>
    [Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7]

    The default target changes in multi-user mode.

    # systemctl set-default <Return>

    Start the system again.

    # shutdown -r now <Return>
  7. Download patch(es)

    Download the latest PRIMECLUSTER patch(es) and update information file from Updatesite.

  8. Apply the patch(es) for this software.

    For installation instructions and pints of concern, etc., refer to the update information file of each patch.

  9. Check if they are all active then go to the following steps. If you are using Cluster Applications, enable the RMS setting on any one of the cluster nodes.

    1. Start RMS Wizard using the following command. The configuration name is the same as that of step 1.

      # hvw -n <configuration name> <Return>
    2. Select "Configuration-Activate" from "Main configuration menu" then execute Activate of the RMS setting.

    3. Exit RMS Wizard.

  10. Change HV_RCSTART variable from "0" to "1" on all the nodes as follows:

    1. If you change the settings that restrict the automatic startup of RMS in step 5-14, return the settings back to its previous settings.

      # hvsetenv HV_RCSTART 1
      # hvsetenv HV_RCSTART
      1 <- Check "1" is output.
    2. Start RMS.

      # hvcm <Return>