PRIMECLUSTER Clustering Base4.5A10 Installation Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.2 Uninstallation from Cluster nodes (FUJITSU Cloud Service K5 environment)

This section explains cluster node uninstallation using the CLI installer in a FUJITSU Cloud Service K5 environment.


If the following settings were set erroneously it might not be possible to access the system. Before doing the following settings, take a snapshot of the system storage.

When this software is uninstalled, if the following product is installed, it is also uninstalled at the same time.


  1. Login to the system as the root user.

    $ sudo su - <Return>
    Password: password <Return>
  2. If RMS is running, stop RMS.

    # hvshut -a <Return>
  3. Reset the IP address etc. set in the GLS virtual interface to the standard NIC of the OS.

    If GLS is set as follows, set sha0 to eth0. If there are multiple virtual GLS interfaces, redo the setting for all of them.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetconfig print <Return>
    [IPv4,Patrol / Virtual NIC] Name Hostname Mode Physical ipaddr Interface List +-----------+---------------+-----+----------------+---------------------------+ sha0 v eth0 [IPv6] Name Hostname/prefix Mode Interface List +-----------+---------------------------------+-----+---------------------------+
    # cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 <Return>
    UUID=<Fixed value of the environment (not necessary to change)>
    # cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-sha0 <Return>
    DNS1=<IP address of primary DNS server>
    DNS2=<IP address of secondary DNS server>

    Edit the ifcfg-eth0 file and the ifcfg-sha0 as follows.

    • Comment out DEVICETYPE from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and change BOOTPROTO to dhcp.

      UUID=<Fixed value of the environment (not necessary to change)>
    • Set the ONBOOT of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-sha0 to no.

      DNS1=<IP address of primary DNS server>
      DNS2=<IP address of secondary DNS server>
  4. Execute the following command and stop automatic start of the RC script.

    # /opt/FJSVpclinst/bin/pclservice off <Return>
  5. Restart the system.

    # /sbin/shutdown -r now <Return>
  6. Stop the SF daemons.

    # initctl stop sf <Return>
  7. Delete the GLS settings.

    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanethvrsc print <Return>
    ifname     takeover-ipv4     takeover-ipv6     vlan-id/logical ip address list
     sha0:65     -                -
    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetconfig print <Return>
    [IPv4,Patrol / Virtual NIC] Name Hostname Mode Physical ipaddr Interface List +-----------+---------------+----+-----------------+---------------------------+ sha0 v eth0
    [IPv6] Name Hostname/prefix Mode Interface List +-----------+---------------------------------+-----+---------------------------+
    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanethvrsc delete -n sha0:65 <Return>
    hanet: 00000: information: normal end. 
    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetconfig delete -n sha0 <Return>
    hanet: 00000: information: normal end. 
    # /opt/FJSVhanet/usr/sbin/hanetconfig print <Return>
    [IPv4,Patrol / Virtual NIC] Name Hostname Mode Physical ipaddr Interface List +-----------+---------------+----+-----------------+---------------------------+ [IPv6] Name Hostname/prefix Mode Interface List +-----------+---------------------------------+-----+---------------------------+ #
  8. Check PEERDNS, DNS1, DNS2 of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX (X is 0, 1) and /etc/sysconfig/network of GATEWAYDEV and change the DNS client settings as necessary.

  9. If an UpdateSite format PRIMECLUSTER correction is applied, delete this correction.
    For details, see help in UpdateAdvisor (middleware) and refer to the correction information file.

  10. Copy the data from the DVD and deploy it in the environment where the installation is done.

    Prepare separate environments where the DVD can be set and mounted and mount the DVD.

    Copy source system # mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/<Device file name> <DVD-ROM mountpoint> <Return>

    Copy the entire directory under <DVD-ROM mountpoint> to all the target systems copied to. Set the directory copied to as <Directory copied to>.


    When you copy to the target system, use the tar command to archive and make sure that the symbolic link is not made into an actual file.

  11. Execute the CLI uninstaller.

    # cd <Directory copied to>/Tool <Return>
    # ./cluster_uninstall <Return>
    Are you sure to remove PRIMECLUSTER from your system (y or n) ? y
    The uninstallation finished successfully.
  12. Restart the system.

    # /sbin/shutdown -r now <Return>


If you use GLS, the script file in the /etc/opt/FJSVhanet/script directory used by the user command execution function might not be deleted and may remain after this software has been uninstalled. This directory and file remaining will not affect the operations of the system, but if you want to delete them, use the following commands and delete them.
For the script file, remove the directory after removing or deleting the file.

# cd /etc/opt <Return>
# rm -rf FJSVhanet <Return>