By setting the device functionality policy, you can prohibit the following features on iOS devices registered on the Master Management Server (when using a 3-level structure) or Management Server (when using a 2-level structure):
Installing Applications
Use of camera
Screen capture
Automatic sync while roaming
Voice dialing
Use of Passbook while device is locked (from iOS9.2, the name "Passbook" was changed to "wallet").
In-app purchase
Password not entered in iTunes Store
Multiplayer gaming
Adding Game Center friends
Steps to make prohibition effective through policy setting
Set policy
Set the policy in the Terminal Initial Settings window, or the window displayed after the Management Console is started (CT policy settings window).
In iOS > Device Functionality, clear the prohibited items.
Reflect policy
The set policy will be reflected to the database.
Apply policy
The set policy will be applied to the iOS device.
Device feature operation
When using a prohibited feature on an iOS device, the status will become one of the following:
Cannot use any of the specified device features
Can use only the permitted device features
Can use all of the specified device features
Refer to " Device Functionality" for details on how to set the policy.