Systemwalker Desktop Keeper User's Guide for Administrator
FUJITSU Software

9.1.4 Logon Prohibition

By setting the logon prohibition policy, logon with a user name that belongs to the specified group can be prohibited in the client (CT) PC.
Groups that can be prohibited are as follows:

In case of domain logon, if the same user ID exists in the local computer, the group to which the local user belongs will be prohibited from logon.


Users belonging to a group within a group specified as prohibited from logon are not prohibited from logging on.

Example: In the following configuration, User A is not prohibited from logging on.
- Group prohibited from logging on: Microsoft accounts
- Group belonging to Microsoft accounts: Group1
- Users belonging to Group1: User A

Steps to make prohibition effective through policy setting

  1. Set Policy
    Set the group prohibited from logon in the Terminal Initial Settings window or Logon in the window after the Management Console is started (CT policy settings window).
    In Start Time of Logon Prohibition of the Terminal Initial Settings window, set the time interval from the time when logging on is detected to the time when prohibition is performed (logoff or shutdown).

  2. Reflect Policy
    The set policy will be reflected to the database.

  3. Apply Policy
    The set policy will be applied to the client (CT).

  4. Logon operation
    When logging on to the client (CT), the status will become one of the following:

    • When logging on with a user name that belongs to a prohibited group, the client (CT) will be logged off or shut down.

    • When logging on with the user name that belongs to any other group, the client (CT) will log on.

When prohibited

When logging on to the client (CT) with a user name that belongs to a prohibited group, according to policy settings, the following prohibition window will be displayed in the client (CT).
However, if Prohibit Immediately is selected in Start Time of Logon Prohibition of the Terminal Initial Settings window, the message will not be displayed.