This section describes how to transfer the Log Analyzer Server to other computers during operation.
In the computer before transfer (currently in use), copy the backup CSV file of log information of the shared folders (folder specified during transmission of log data) to the external media with the folder structure being kept.
Backup the settings information of the Log Analyzer settings to external media using the backup option of LADBBKRS.bat (backup and restoration command of Log Analyzer settings information).
Operation example when the path of backup target is "E:\LAMASTERINFO" is performed:
[Installation Folder of Log Analyzer Server] \bin\SWDTLAENV\LADBBKRS.bat -bs -d E:\LAMASTERINFO
Install the Log Analyzer Server in the transfer target computer.
In the transfer target computer, the operating environment can be constructed using Operating Environment Maintenance Wizard.
Restore the setting information of Log Analyzer settings using the restoration option of LADBBKRS.bat (backup and restoration command of the Log Analyzer settings setting information).
Operation example when the path of backup source folder is "E:\LAMASTERINFO" is performed:
[Installation Folder of Log Analyzer Server]\bin\SWDTLAENV\LADBBKRS.bat -rs -d C:\LAMASTERINFO
Copy the data of shared folder backed up to the external media to the shared folder of transfer target computer with the folder structure being kept.
The transferred data volume should not exceed the Number of Months to Save specified during the construction of operating environment.
Modify the following files names in the copied folder:
File name before change: conv_end
File name after change : trans_end
The above mentioned files exist in the each period folder (Example: 20130421_20130421).
When there are too many folders, change can be easier using the following batch commands.
Example of Batch File:
ECHO OFF IF %1.==. GOTO NOPARAM FOR /R %1 /D %%f IN (*) DO ( IF EXIST %%f\conv_end ( move %%f\conv_end %%f\trans_end ) ) GOTO END :NOPARAM ECHO Please specify the folder path. :END ECHO ON
Operation example when the batch file is "conv.bat" and the path of shared folder is "C:\LASVDATA" is performed:
conv.bat C:\LASVDATA
Add data to the Log Analyzer Server through DttoolEx.exe (data transfer and deletion command).
Operation example when the path of shared folder is "C:\LASVDATA" is performed:
[Installation Folder of Log Analyzer Server]\bin\dttool\DttoolEx.exe -f C:\LASVDATA
Restore the Log Analyzer settings information again using the restoration option of LADBBKRS.bat (backup and restoration command for Log Analyzer settings information).
Operation example when the path of backup source folder is "E:\LAMASTERINFO":
[Installation Folder of Log Analyzer Server]\bin\SWDTLAENV\LADBBKRS.bat -rs -d C:\LAMASTERINFO
When the "Step 9: Restore the setting information of Log Analyzer settings again", is not performed, there are situations in which restoration may not occur, such as when the user ID has been deleted or the setting content is not updated to the latest status, etc.