This section describes how to change the IP address of a (Master) Management Server to be connected and backup (Master) Management Server with the change of service environment as follows:
Construct a new Management Server and move all the clients (CTs) that belong to the old Management Server to the new Management Server for management.
Move part of the clients (CTs) that belong to the Management Server to other existing Management Servers.
Change the IP address of the Management Server (backup Management Server) to be connected.
Change the IP address of the Management Server (backup Management Server) to be connected and the client (CT).
There are following two methods to change the IP address of the Management Server to be connected.
Change the IP address using files in the Management Server
This can be performed when the version of the client (CT) that requires a change of settings is V14.2.0 or later.
The "File To Be Moved" can be used to set the IP address of the Management Server after moving, the IP address of the corresponding client (CT) and the date of moving, etc., and can save them to the Management Server. The setting content will be notified to the client (CT) as CT policy. By restarting the PC after notification, the Management Server to be connected will be modified.
It is not required to change in each client (CT).
The communication port number used between client (CT) and the Management Server can also be modified at the same time.
Change the IP address using command in the client (CT).
Change of settings can be performed in client (CT) of any version.
Execute command in each client (CT).
Use the same client management password for the Management Server and Master Management Server.
When changing the connection destination Management Server or Master Management Server for the client (CT), use the same client management password as before.
Change IP address using files in Management Server
This section describes how to change IP address in Management Server.
Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 Fast Startup feature
Assume that you are using Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, the Fast Startup feature is enabled, and you shut down before you have logged on. In this case, the transfer target information file and CT operation parameter information file update operations, the CT policy request operation, and the self version upgrade check that are normally performed when a PC starts may not work. To ensure that these operations are performed properly, restart the operating system instead of shutting down.
When this method is used, the management information and logs of old Management Servers will be moved to the new Management Server. Therefore, after they are moved to the new Management Server, the collected logs can also be searched in the old Management Server.
The procedure of moving is as follows:
Construct a new Management Server. For details on the procedure, refer to "Construct Management Server/Master Management Server" in the Installation Guide.
Install and update the Management Server that is connected to the old Management Server and add the IP address of the new Management Server. For details on the procedure, refer to "8.10 Change Management Console Environment".
Based on this, the Management Console can be connected to both the old Management Server and the new Management Server temporarily.
Backup management information on the old Management Server.
For management information, refer to "User Asset" of Installation Guide.
Restore management information to the new Management Server.
Change server information (Computer name, IP address) in the Server Information Settings window of the Server Settings Tool of the new Management Server.
The IP address will be modified as a value set in the "Server IP Address (CT Management Server)" of the information file to be moved. When the computer name is the same as the old Management Server, no change is required.
For details, refer to "Set Server Information" of Installation Guide.
Create the information file to be moved (DTKServerChange.txt) and save the file to the old Management Server.
For details on the information file to be moved, refer to "Information File To Be Moved" of Reference Manual.
Location for saving
C:\ProgramData\Fujitsu\Systemwalker Desktop Keeper
When the client (CT) is started or immediate update is performed by the Management Console, the setting content will be notified to the client (CT) as CT policy.
The result of notification will be output to the following location of the old Management Server as information file to be moved and result log (DTKServerChange.log).
C:\ProgramData\Fujitsu\Systemwalker Desktop Keeper
After the client (CT) has been restarted, the Management Server to be connected to the client (CT) will be modified according to the specified content of the information file to be moved.
The change status of the Management Server to be connected can be confirmed according to the following:
Start the Management Console and connect to the old Management Server.
Confirm that the Last Logon Date and Time of CT list is not updated.
Change the connection of the Management Console to a new Management Server.
Confirm that the corresponding client (CT) will be displayed in the configuration information tree and the Last Logon Date and Time of CT list has been updated.
After changes in all clients (CTs) have been completed, backup all logs of the old Management Server.
Restore the logs to the database of the new Management Server.
When this method is used, the moved client (CT) will be registered again on the Management Server of moving target.
Do not move the management information and logs of the Management Server of moving source to a Management Server of the moving target. Otherwise, the client (CT) may not be managed correctly due to repeating management information.
The procedure of moving is as follows:
Create the information file to be moved (DTKServerChange.txt) and save the file to the Management Server of moving source.
For details on the information file to be moved, refer to "Information File To Be Moved" of Reference Manual.
Location for Saving
C:\ProgramData\Fujitsu\Systemwalker Desktop Keeper
When the client (CT) is started or immediate update is performed through the Management Console, the setting contents will be notified to client (CT) as CT policy.
The result of notification will be output to the following location of the old Management Server as information file to be moved and result log (DTKServerChange.log).
C:\ProgramData\Fujitsu\Systemwalker Desktop Keeper
After the client (CT) has been restarted, the Management Server to be connected to the client (CT) will be modified according to the specified content of information file to be moved.
The change status of the Management Server to be connected can be confirmed according to the following.
Start the Management Console that connects to the Management Server of moving source or the moving target.
In the Management Console of the Management Server of moving source, confirm that Last Logon Date and Time of CT list is not updated.
In the Management Console of the Management Server of the moving target, confirm that the corresponding client (CT) will be displayed in the configuration information tree.
Through the information file to be moved and result log (DTKServerChange.log), confirm that the Management Server to be connected for all clients (CTs) to be moved has been modified, and delete the information file to be moved or move it to the place apart from the location for saving.
There must be a change of IP address due to the change of network and moving of the Management Server. It is required to confirm the date when the IP address of the Management Server is modified in advance.
The procedure of moving is as follows:
Create the information file (DTKServerChange.txt) to be moved and then save the file to the Management Server.
Refer to "Information File To Be Moved" of Reference Manual for details on the information file to be moved.
Location for Saving
C:\ProgramData\Fujitsu\Systemwalker Desktop Keeper
When the client (CT) is started or immediate update is performed through the Management Console, the setting contents will be notified to the client (CT) as CT policy.
The result of notification will be output to the following location of the old Management Server as an information file to be moved and a result log (DTKServerChange.log).
C:\ProgramData\Fujitsu\Systemwalker Desktop Keeper
After the client (CT) is restarted after the modified date set in the information file to be moved, the Management Server to be connected for the client (CT) will be modified according to the settings of information file to be moved.
Delete the information file to be moved or move it to a place apart from the location for saving.
There must be a change in the IP address of both the Management Server and client (CT) due to the change of entire network system.
Before the IP address of the Management Server is modified, the client (CT) needs to obtain the information of information file to be moved from the Management Server, and it is required to confirm the date when IP address of the Management Server is modified in advance.
The procedure of moving is as follows:
Create the information file to be moved (DTKServerChange.txt) and save the file to the Management Server.
For details on the information file to be moved, refer to "Information File To Be Moved" of Reference Manual.
Location for Saving
C:\ProgramData\Fujitsu\Systemwalker Desktop Keeper
When the client (CT) is started or immediate update is performed through the Management Server, the setting contents will be notified to client (CT) as CT policy.
The result of notification will be output to the following location of the old Management Server as information file to be moved and result log (DTKServerChange.log).
C:\ProgramData\Fujitsu\Systemwalker Desktop Keeper
As the change of network system, the IP address of the Management Server is modified. Change the IP address of client (CT).
When the client (CT) is fixed IP address:
the IP address will be set manually in each client (CT).
When the client (CT) is DHCP environment:
no operation is needed.
After the client (CT) is restarted after the change date set in the information file to be moved, the Management Server to be connected for the client (CT) will be modified according to the settings of information file to be moved.
Delete the information file to be moved or move it to a place apart from the location for saving.
If the CT function exists on the Management Server at the same time, this CT function will ignore these settings. For the CT on the Management Server, the Management Server can be specified as a local computer only. Therefore, for changes of IP address of the Management Server and port number for sending, etc., change the settings through maintenance commands.
Change IP address using commands in client (CT).
Do not tell the password to others
When executing this command through the command prompt, the password may be seen by a third party or end user. When using this command, make sure to use a batch file and perform operations with security being considered so that the password absolutely cannot be seen.
The procedure is as follows.
Logon to the PC with a user that belongs to the Administrators group of the local computer or a user that belongs to the Domain Admins group.
Execute the following command through the command prompt of the client (CT) that changes the IP address of the (Master) Management Server to be connected.
fsw11ej7.exe <Password> /D /D
Enter the password specified during the installation of the client (CT).
IP Address of Server displayed in the command prompt is the IP address of the (Master) Management Server that is currently connected.
To change the IP address of the connected (Master) Management Server or backup (Master) Management Server, execute the following command through the command prompt of client (CT).
fsw11ej7.exe <Password> /C /I <Modified IP Address of (Master) Management Server> <Modified IP Address of Backup (Master) Management Server>
Enter the password specified during the installation client (CT).
Enter the IP address of the (Master) Management Server that has become the connection target for the client (CT).
Enter the IP address of the backup (Master) Management Server when inquiring the user policy. When the IP address is omitted, a value that is the same as < Modified IP Address of (Master) Management Server> will be set.
To notify CT information to the (Master) Management Server connected to the client (CT), execute the following command through the command prompt of client (CT).
fsw11ej7.exe <Password> /R
Enter the password specified during the installation of client (CT).
Restart the client (CT).
The change status of the Management Server to be connected can be confirmed according to the following.
Start the Management Console that connects to the (Master) Management Server of moving source or the moving target.
In the Management Console of the (Master) Management Server of the moving source, confirm that Last Logon Date and Time of CT list is not updated.
In the Management Console of the (Master) Management Server of the moving target, confirm that the corresponding client (CT) will be displayed in the configuration information tree.
When the information of client (CT) is lost from the server, it can be restored through the command for CT re-registration (Even if overwritten installation of CT is performed, it cannot be restored.).
When any of the following situations occur, after the CT re-registration command (fsw11ej7.exe <Password> /R) has been executed in the corresponding client (CT), client (CT) information will be registered to the (Master) Management Server again.
When the client (CT) on Management Console is deleted by mistake, and then the IP address of Management Server is not modified.
When the (Master) Management Server loses client (CT) information due to trouble, and then the IP address of Management Server is not Modified
Restart the client (CT) after executing "fsw11ej7.exe <Password> /R".
After the client (CT) information is informed to the (Master) Management Server, it will be displayed in the Management Console.
Display location in Management Console
When Active Directory linkage is used
After the client (CT) is displayed, it will be registered to the local group. After updating the Active Directory linkage information, it will be displayed in the registration location in the Active Directory server.
When Active Directory linkage is not used
The client (CT) displayed again will be registered to the Root directory.
The applied CT policy
The policy set in the Terminal Initial Settings of Management Console will be applied.
Logs of client (CT)
The logs before deletion will not be displayed in Log Viewer.