The default character encoding for the device/media list file output by the device information collection tool is UTF-8. If the character encoding for input/output files is changed to Shift JIS on the Management Server, the character encoding of the device/media list file also needs to be changed to Shift JIS.
Refer to " Register device information using CSV file" for details on how to change the character encoding of input/output files on the Management Server.
Refer to "Device Information Collection Tool Configuration File" in the Reference Manual for details on how to change the encoding of a device/media list file output by the device information collection tool.
If using the individual identification feature to a USB device with the lock feature, register it with the USB device information after the lock is canceled.
The device information is registered in duplicate when the collected device information is imported to the Management Console with Product Match selected.
The device information collection tool runs in the environment where Systemwalker Desktop Keeper client (CT) is installed.
The devices that can be output to a device/media list file using the device information collection tool are shown below:
USB device
PC card
Media is not targeted.