Systemwalker Desktop Patrol Reference Manual
FUJITSU Software

2.7.8 Contract details File

Describe files that can be stored by clicking CSV Export when performing confirm contract details in machine management ledger > contract management window of main menu.

Items that can be stored in files are items displayed in the window. In addition, for description of each item, refer to "Assets Management by Ledger" in the Operation Guide: for Administrators.

In addition, format that can be stored will be modified as "CSV file format".

CSV file format output example

Output example of CSV file is shown as below:

"06/04/2016 19:01:19","contract details",""

"contract type", "contract No.", "installation code", "original contract No.", " expense burden source ", "item name","contract company","contract date","contract start date","contract end date","contract value","payment type name","contract principal","contract phone number of principal","Fax number of contract principal","remark","administrator remark 1"," administrator remark 2"," administrator remark 3"," administrator remark 4"," administrator remark 5"," administrator remark 6"

"Lease","Lease0001","","","software general section", "Pccomplete set", "taxi company", "06/05/2013", "06/05/2013", "12/05/2016", "","","","","","","","","","","",""

"list of machine distribution ","machine name","section","user name","assets management number","contract No.","maintenance code","setting position","type","classification","application status","date of collection","collection information","","","","","","","","",""

"list of machine distribution","CT1"," software manufacturing No. 2"," Fujitsu HANAKO ","A-000000001","Lease0001",""," Northeast branch ","PC","Client","not in use","06/01/2016 19:32:42","o","","","","","","","","",""

" list of machine distribution ","CT10","general affairs section"," Takahashi SIRO ","A-000000010","Lease0001","","Okinawa branch","PC","Client","in use","06/01/2016 19:32:46","o","","","","","","","","",""