Systemwalker Desktop Patrol Reference Manual
FUJITSU Software

1.51 swss_MDMDB_ENV.exe (Building/Deleting iOS Management Database Environment)


This command performs the following actions for the iOS management database used to manage iOS devices:



{/C dataDirCreationFolder | /D}



Builds the iOS management database "mdm_server_production".


The data directory is created at the following location:

  • dataDir\RDB

Specify the data directory creation folder as follows:

  • Specify the folder name using the absolute path

Specify the path to the data directory creation folder using the absolute path.

You cannot specify a network drive.

You can specify the absolute path using up to 96 alphanumeric characters.

The characters that can be specified are halfwidth alphanumeric characters and halfwidth symbols.

However, the folder name cannot contain any of the following symbols:

\ / : * ? " < > |


Deletes the iOS management database "mdm_server_production".

Return value

0: Ended normally

Other than 0: Ended abnormally

Command location

The following folder of CS:


Privilege required for execution/execution environment



Build the iOS management database. The data directory will be created in D:\DB\DataDir.

swss_MDMDB_ENV.exe /C D:\DB\DataDir

Execution result/output format

If build processing is successful, the following message will be output.

Create Database "mdm_server_production" Success

If delete processing is successful, the following message will be output.

Delete Database "mdm_server_production" Success