Systemwalker Desktop Patrol Reference Manual
FUJITSU Software

1.10 dtpadmst.exe (Output Active Directory Information)


This command gets information from Active Directory, and outputs definition information and deletion information of Active Directory in the format of Master data of DTP. When modifying and deleting the information on Active Directory, this command will be executed and reflected on Master data of DTP.

Record format


/dMaster File Output Folder [/sOU Name]


/dMaster File Output Folder

Specify the folder that outputs Master data file. Specify the file by using absolute path, and when the path contains space, enclose the whole path in quotes (""). In addition, apart from quotes, the maximum string of 100 fullwidth characters or 200 halfwidth characters can be specified.

Output the Master data file in the following format to the specified folder. In addition, the file will be overwritten when there is file with the same name in the specified folder.

Master Management File

Format of File name

Department Information Master Management File for Modification


User Information Master Management File for Modification


Building Information Master Management File for Modification


Department Information Master Management File for Deletion


User Information Master Management File for Deletion


Building Information Master Management File for Deletion


/sOU Name

Specify the name of OU that becomes extraction object. Specify the level separation by using diagonal mark, and enclose the whole path in quotes ("") when the space is contained. In addition, apart from quotes, the maximum string of 512 fullwidth characters or 1024 halfwidth characters can be specified.

Return value

0: ended normally

Other than 0: ended abnormally

Command saving location

The following folder in CS:

CS Installation Directory \bnserv\bin

Authority required for execution/executing environment


Command execution example

Save the Master data to "C:\Master\20060420".

"C:\Program Files\Fujitsu\Systemwalker Desktop Patrol\bnserv\bin\dtpadmst.exe" /dC:\Master\20060420

Execution result/output format

When completing outputting the Master data, the following information will be output.

Information extraction from Active Directory is successful.

When the processing fails, a message indicating failure will be output. Refer to "3.3.12 Messages Output in Active Directory Information Output Command" for details.