ServerView Resource Orchestrator V3.2.0 Overview
FUJITSU Software

5.4.1 Logical Platforms (L-Platforms) and Logical Servers (L-Servers)

This section explains logical platforms (L-Platforms) and logical servers (L-Servers).

Logical Platforms (L-Platforms)

Logical platforms (L-Platforms) are a logical method for managing an entire system comprised of multiple servers, storage, and networks in Resource Orchestrator.

Multi-tiered (Web/AP/DB) systems including network devices such as firewalls or server load balancers can be managed.

By using a logical platform (L-Platform), configurations including both physical and virtual servers can be managed.

The setting and operation of multiple servers, storage, and networks can be simplified through the use of a logical platform (L-Platform).

Logical Servers (L-Servers)

A logical server (L-Server) is a method for logically managing physical and virtual servers in Resource Orchestrator.

Either physical or virtual servers can be used according to the system involved.

An L-Server used for physical servers is called a physical L-Server.

An L-Server used for virtual servers is called a virtual L-Server.

Figure 5.13 Logical Platforms (L-Platforms)