Systemwalker Desktop Patrol Operation Guide: for Administrators
FUJITSU Software

8.2.1 Perform Settings of Server to Distribute Software

Perform the following settings of conditions under which to distribute the software for CS and DS.

The procedure is as follows.

  1. Logon to the main menu, click Environment Setup.

    The Environment Setup window will be displayed.

  2. Click CS/DS Settings and Status.

    The following window will be displayed.

    The following describes the items in the window.



    Running Status

    Display operation status of CS/DS.

    : Running.

    : Not running for some reasons.

    Server Type

    Display the type of CD/DS

    CD/DS Name

    Display respective CS/DS name.

    Click CD/DS name to confirm and change the setup of each CD/DS. But you cannot click server name when the section management ID is used to log on.

    Host Name

    Display Host name corresponding to CD/DS name.

    Status of Settings

    Indication of reflection state of each server corresponding to respective setup information on CS/DS/CT.

    : Settings have been reflected.

    : Settings are being reflected.

    : Settings are failed to be reflected.

    Higher CD/DS Name

    Corresponding to server, displayed when higher server existing.

    Higher Host Name

    Display of Host name corresponding to higher CS/DS name.

    DS Download

    It can download the installer of DS.

  3. Click the link of server name.

    The following window will be displayed.

    When CS is selected

    When DS is selected

    Set the following items.



    CS/DS name

    Display of general name specified for CS/DS in installation.

    Japanese, single-byte alphanumeric characters, including special characters of "-", "@", and "." within 50 characters for server name. blank characters not allowed.

    Cannot be omitted.

    Higher CS/DS

    Select from the list to change the higher server.

    This item can only be set when DS is set.

    Copy button

    Settings of CS/DS registered can be rewritten.

    Select the Cs/DS registered from the list, click Copy button, setup of the CS/DS selected will be rewritten.

  4. Input the following items in Settings of Connection with public server and Settings of Connection with Higher CS/DS.

    Connection setup with higher server to DS when it's DS.

    When CS is selected

    Set the following items.



    Use proxy

    Select this item in case of use proxy.

    Finish specifying the following contents during selection.

    • Proxy Server Name

      Designation of proxy server name.

      Input of FQDN or IP address composed of single-byte English number, "-" and "." within 64 characters.


      Communication in an IPv6 environment

      You cannot specify an IPv6 address. For communication in an IPv6-only environment, perform one of the following registrations beforehand and enter the host name:

      • Register the host name and IP address of the CS and DS in the DNS server

      • Register the host name and IP address of the CS and DS in the hosts file on the communication source PC

    • Port Number

      Port number of specified proxy server.

      Specify in 1-65535.

      Cannot be omitted.

    • User Name

      Specify user name of proxy server using up to 256 halfwidth characters.

    • Password

      Specify password to proxy server using up to 256 halfwidth characters.

    • Bypass proxy server for these domains

      Specify domain name not using proxy server. Use blank space to separate when many domain names are specified. Specify a value using up to 2,064 halfwidth characters.

      Specify domain name composed of single-byte English number, "-" and ".".

    When DS is selected

    Set the following items.



    Use proxy

    Select this item in case of proxy use.

    Finish designating the following contents during selection.

    • Proxy Server Name

      Designation of proxy server name.

      Input of FQDN or IP address composed of single-byte English number, "-" and "." within 64 characters.


      Communication in an IPv6 environment

      You cannot specify an IPv6 address. For communication in an IPv6-only environment, perform one of the following registrations beforehand and enter the host name:

      • Register the CS and DS host names and IP addresses in the DNS server.

      • Register the CS and DS host names and IP addresses in the hosts file of the communication source PC.

    • Port Number

      Port number of specified proxy server.

      Specify in 1-65535.

      Cannot be omitted.

    • User Name

      Specify user name of proxy server using up to 256 halfwidth characters.

    • Password

      Specify password to proxy server using up to 256 halfwidth characters.

    • Bypass proxy server for these domains

      Specify domain name not using proxy server. Use blank space to separate when many domain names are specified. Specify a value using up to 2,064 halfwidth characters.

      Specify domain name composed of single-byte English number, "-" and ".".

    Connection Interval with Higher CS/DS

    Specify download period of file and software from the higher server, specify in 1-1440, a value in unit of minute.

    Default is 30 and it cannot be omitted.

    Specify hour(s) of receiving distribution software

    Select this item in time frame when specifying file and software download.

    Specify time frame to download file and software from higher server.

    Without selection, the download period can be any time in the 24 hours. Select between 0-23 for hour unit and 0-59 for minute unit.

    The start time and end time shall not be specified to be the same.

  5. Enter the following items in Settings of Connection from sub-level DS/CT.



    Maximum number of connections

    Total number of lower DS or CT connecting to CS or DS simultaneously, specify in 1-999 (number of pieces).

    Default is 30 and it cannot be omitted.

  6. Click OK button.