Systemwalker Desktop Patrol Operation Guide: for Administrators
FUJITSU Software

2.4.2 Export Structure Information

Export Systemwalker Desktop Patrol structure information to be imported into Systemwalker Desktop Keeper.

The procedure is as follows.


The procedure below is not required when Systemwalker Desktop Patrol structure information import is automated in the Systemwalker Desktop Keeper settings.

  1. Select Export structure information and click Next.

    The following window will be displayed.

  2. Right-click the relevant structure information file that has a download anchor, and select Save to a file to save it to a file with the .csv extension.
    Refer to the Systemwalker Desktop Keeper manuals for details on how to import output structure information into Systemwalker Desktop Keeper.

Output in command

Systemwalker Desktop Patrol structure information can also be output using dtpinfcoope.exe (export structure information command).

Refer to the Systemwalker Desktop Patrol Reference Manual for details.

Structure information export example

The example below illustrates importing Systemwalker Desktop Patrol structure information into Systemwalker Desktop Keeper.

If Systemwalker Desktop Patrol is structured as shown below and no PC is found in "Section C10" (inventory not reflected), only the section the PC belongs to can be used for structure information, and "Section C10" will not be imported into Systemwalker Desktop Keeper.

When structure information is imported into Systemwalker Desktop Keeper, the structure will be as follows:

Systemwalker Desktop Patrol structure information

Management target
+ Section A10 ..... PCA010, PCA011
+ Management department ..... PC0001
+ Section B10 ..... PCB010
+ Section B20 ..... PCB020, PCB021
+ Section B30 ..... PCB030, PCB031, PCB032
+ Section C10 ..... No PC

The following example shows a Systemwalker Desktop Patrol window.

Structure information imported using Systemwalker Desktop Keeper

+ Management Server (DTK-MASTER)
+ Section A10 ..... PCA010, PCA011
+ Management department ..... PC0001
+ Section B10 ..... PCB010
+ Section B20 ..... PCB020, PCB021
+ Section B30 ..... PCB030, PCB031, PCB032

The following example shows a Systemwalker Desktop Keeper window.