Interstage Big Data Parallel Processing Server V1.2.1 拡張機能ガイド
FUJITSU Software

9.1 impala-shellコマンドを利用した接続


以下は、impala-shellコマンドを利用し、スレーブサーバ slave6 に対してクエリ実行(SELECT)をリクエストする際のコマンド実行例です。

  1. impala-shellの実行

    $ impala-shell -i slave6 <Enter>
    Starting Impala Shell without Kerberos authentication
    Connected to slave6:21000
    Server version: impalad version 1.4.2-cdh5 RELEASE (build eac952d4ff674663ec3834778c2b981b252aec78)
    Welcome to the Impala shell. Press TAB twice to see a list of available commands.
    Copyright (c) 2012 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
    (Shell build version: Impala Shell v1.4.2-cdh5 (eac952d) built on Tue Sep 16 19:15:40 PDT 2014)
    [slave6:21000] >
  2. クエリ実行

    [slave6:21000] > SELECT * FROM example_table1; <Enter>
    Query: select * FROM example_table1
    | id | str_column | bool_column | double_column | date_column         |
    | 1  | 文字列1    | true        | 101.2         | 2013-10-24 10:20:05 |
    | 2  | 文字列2    | false       | 53.15         | 2013-10-25 10:20:05 |
    | 3  | 文字列3    | true        | -18.5         | 2013-10-26 10:20:05 |
    | 4  | 文字列4    | false       | 0             | 2013-10-27 10:20:05 |
    | 5  | 文字列5    | true        | -12.35        | 2013-10-28 10:20:05 |
    Returned 5 row(s) in 2.85s
    WARNINGS: Backend 0:Unknown disk id.  This will negatively affect performance. Check your hdfs settings to enable block location metadata.
    [slave6:21000] >
    [slave6:21000] > exit; <Enter>



Error connecting: TTransportException, Could not connect to <開発実行環境サーバ名>:21000