ETERNUS SF Express V16.3 / Storage Cruiser V16.3 / AdvancedCopy Manager V16.3 Installation and Setup Guide

4.1.1 Setting Up User Account

Set up a user account in order to use the ETERNUS SF Manager functions.
The privileges granted to the Web Console user and the command execution user accounts, and their controllable ranges are shown in the table below.


Administrator Privilege of Operating System




Operations are possible from the Web Console and the command line.

Operations are possible only from the Web Console.


Operations are possible only from the command line.

Operations are neither possible from the Web Console nor from the command line.

The following section explains how to create and set up the Web Console user and the command execution user accounts, and how to change the user (esfpostgres) password internally using the ETERNUS SF system.


  • As the user (esfpostgres) used internally by the ETERNUS SF system is required to run the ETERNUS SF system, do not delete the user account. When the product is installed, a default value is set to a password, so change the password before using the ETERNUS SF system. Also, change the password periodically when running the ETERNUS SF system, as well.

  • Periodically change the account name and password for the Web Console user and the command execution user. Creating User Accounts for Operating from Web Console

For user authentication when logging in on the Web Console, ETERNUS SF product uses the authentication system of the OS on the Management Server.

In order to give a user the privilege ("role") to use ETERNUS SF product, you need to create ETERNUS SF role groups to which each user account is allocated.

The table below shows the relationships between the ETERNUS SF roles that are given to ETERNUS SF role groups and the Web Console control actions that are permitted to users belonging to the respective role group.

Table 4.1 For Windows Environment



Permitted Web Console Controls



All operations



Only display-related operations

Table 4.2 For Solaris or Linux Environment



Permitted Web Console Controls



All operations



Only display-related operations

  1. Create the following two ETERNUS SF role groups.

    For Windows Environment

    Create the following two groups.

    • ESFAdmin

    • ESFMon

    If using Windows domain authentication, create the ETERNUS SF role groups in the domain controller (Active Directory).
    If not using Windows domain authentication, create the ETERNUS SF role groups on the Management Server.


    • Set the Windows security policy, to permit local logon for the ETERNUS SF role groups.

    • For creating the ETERNUS SF role groups in the domain controller (Active Directory), the scope and type of each group need to be specified. Make sure to specify the following values:

      Group scope: Domain local

      Group type: Security

    For Solaris or Linux Environment

    Create the following two groups using groupadd command and so on.

    • esfadmin

    • esfmon

  2. Create user accounts for operating from the Web Console.

    For Windows Environment

    If using Windows domain authentication, create user accounts in the domain controller (Active Directory).
    If not using Windows domain authentication, create user accounts on the Management Server.

    For Solaris or Linux Environment

    Create a user account on Management Server using useradd command and so on.

  3. Assign the created user accounts to ETERNUS SF role groups.

    For Windows Environment

    Use [Computer Management] and so on.

    For Solaris Environment

    Configure one of the following to the target user accounts by using a command such as the usermod command.

    • Set ETERNUS SF role groups as primary group.

    • Add ETERNUS SF role groups to secondary group.

    For Linux Environment

    Configure one of the following to the target user accounts by using a command such as the usermod command.

    • Set ETERNUS SF role groups as main group.

    • Add ETERNUS SF role groups to supplementary group.

    An ETERNUS SF role is assigned to each user account.


ETERNUS SF role groups can also be created via command line input. The example below shows a batch file for creating a role group.
Execute the batch file on the domain controller when using Windows domain authentication. Otherwise execute the batch file on the Management Server.

@echo off

REM # -----------------------
REM # Creating the ESFAdmin group
REM # -----------------------
net localgroup ESFAdmin > NUL 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (
   echo ESFAdmin group add.
   net localgroup ESFAdmin /add /comment:"ETERNUS SF Administrator"

REM # -----------------------
REM # Creating the ESFMon group
REM # -----------------------
net localgroup ESFMon > NUL 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (
   echo ESFMon group add.
   net localgroup ESFMon /add /comment:"ETERNUS SF Monitor"
) User Account of Windows

Commands for Express, Storage Cruiser, AdvancedCopy Manager and AdvancedCopy Manager CCM can only be executed by users with administrator privileges for the operating system.

This section explains how to create accounts for users who can execute commands.


By assigning a user account created here to an ETERNUS SF role group, you can enable the same user to both operate from the Web Console and execute commands.

For Windows

In Windows Server 2008 or later, a User Account Control function (hereafter called "UAC") has been added to enhance security.
The cases where UAC is enabled and disabled are explained below.

The operating conditions are shown below.

Table 4.3 Relationship Between Account and UAC

Account Type

UAC: Enabled

UAC: Disabled

Built-in Administrator account



User account in the Administrators group



Standard user account



A: Runs without displaying the permissions granted dialog box.
B: Displays the permissions granted dialog box, and runs if permissions are approved.
C: Does not run, because Administrator permissions cannot be obtained.

If you do not wish to perform the dialog process using the administrator permissions dialog box, and the conditions marked as "B" in the table above apply (for example, in batch processing), the program must be executed using administrator permissions with one of the following methods: User Account of Linux/Solaris

Express (for Linux only), Storage Cruiser, AdvancedCopy Manager and AdvancedCopy Manager CCM commands can only be executed as a root, so operate root user. Esfpostgres User Password Change Procedure

Change the esfpostgres user password with the following procedure.