Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager Developer's Guide
FUJITSU Software

3.3.3 swcfmg_param_defassoc (Command to Associate Software and Parameter Definitions)


Associates or disassociates the software settings definition with the parameter settings definition, or the software collection definition with the parameter collection definition, and displays them in list form.




{ -attach -softid <Software ID> -sdefid <Parameter settings definition ID> |

-attach -softid <Software ID> -cdefid <Parameter collection definition ID> |

-detach -softid <Software ID> -sdefid <Parameter settings definition ID> |

-detach -softid < Software ID > -cdefid <Parameter collection definition ID> |

-list [-sdef] [-cdef] [-file <Output file path>] [-e <Input file character encoding>] }



{ -attach -softid <Software ID> -sdefid <Parameter settings definition ID> |

-attach -softid <Software ID> -cdefid <Parameter collection definition ID> |

-detach -softid <Software ID> -sdefid <Parameter settings definition ID> |

-detach -softid < Software ID > -cdefid <Parameter collection definition ID> |

-list [-sdef] [-cdef] [-file <Output file path>] [-e <Input file character encoding>] }


-attach -softid <Software ID> -sdefid <Parameter settings definition ID>

Associates the software that has the specified ID and the parameter settings definition that has the specified ID. Note that multiple parameter settings definitions can be associated with a single software product. A parameter definition method compatible with the OS type of the software must be specified.

-attach -softid <Software ID> -cdefid <Parameter collection definition ID>

Associates the software that has the specified ID and the parameter collection definition that has the specified ID. Note that a single parameter collection definition can be associated with multiple software products. A parameter definition method compatible with the OS type of the software must be specified.

-detach -softid <Software ID> -sdefid <Parameter settings definition ID>

Removes the association between the software that has the specified ID and the parameter settings definition that has the specified ID

-detach -softid <Software ID> -cdefid <Parameter collection definition ID>

Removes the association between the software that has the specified ID and the parameter collection definition that has the specified ID

-list [-sdef] [-cdef] [-file <Output file path>]

Outputs a list of associations in CSV format

-sdef Outputs a list of only those associations between the software and parameter settings definitions

-cdef Outputs a list of only those associations between the software and parameter collection definitions

If the specified file does not exist, a new file will be created. If the file exists, the existing file will be overwritten.

If output to the file fails due to an error, no new file will be created. If an existing file was to be overwritten, it will be kept as is without being overwritten.

  • Output format for standard output

    Outputs the list of associations in the following format:

    Item No.




    Software ID

    Outputs the software ID.


    Definition ID

    Outputs the parameter settings ID or the parameter collection ID.


    Software name

    Outputs the software product name.



    Outputs the software version.


    OS type

    Outputs the software OS.


    Definition name

    Outputs the parameter settings definition name or the parameter collection definition name.

  • Header format

    Insert the header in the first line of the CSV file using the format shown below. The header is output even if there is no information to be output to the file.

    #Software ID,Definition ID,Software name,Version,Vendor,Definition name

-e <Character encoding>

Specify the character encoding for the file.

The character encodings below can be specified (single-byte uppercase characters must be used):

  • UTF-8

If this option is omitted, the character encoding of the execution environment of this command will be used.

Return value

Return value



Completed normally.


A parameter error has occurred.


The specified I/O path is incorrect.


The specified character encoding is incorrect.


The specified ID does not exist.


The software and parameter definition are already associated.


Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager is not running.


A command that cannot be executed at the same time as this command is executing.


You do not have the privileges required to execute this command.


A write error has occurred.


Setup has not been performed.


A system error has occurred.

Command location

Admin server


<Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager installation directory>\SWCFMGM\bin



Privilege required/execution environment




Common notes
  • This command cannot be executed simultaneously with other commands. An exclusive control error will occur if a command is executed while another command is still executing.

  • Execute this command while Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager is running.

Notes regarding association
  • If multiple parameter collection definitions are associated with a single software product, you cannot specify a duplicate key for the parameter list.

  • When the software type is Solaris, that software cannot be associated with the parameter definitions.

Notes regarding removal of associations
  • Use this command to remove associations that no longer need to be managed by Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager.

Notes regarding list display
  • If no predefined parameters have been registered, only the header information will be output.

    #Software ID,Definition ID,Software name,Version,Vendor,Definition name
