Systemwalker Software Configuration Manager Developer's Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.2.2 Parameter Collection Scripts

A parameter collection script is a script used to collect parameters from the software. This script is forwarded to the server and runs on it. Information about the parameters collected from the software is output to files such as the parameter information XML file (parameterinfo.xml). This file is transferred to an admin server.

A parameter collection script is composed of multiple files. Note that the names of Windows batch files and Linux shell scripts are fixed. These files are described below.

The discovery script outputs information about parameters collected from the software to a file. A description of this file is shown below.

Discovery script format (batch files) [Windows]

Create the discovery script for batch files (discover.cmd) using the format below.

The -dir option must specified as the first argument (%1), and the directory to which the parameter information should be output must be specified as the second argument (%2). Information about the parameters collected in this directory is output to the parameter information XML file (parameterinfo.xml) and to the file attachment. The parameter information XML file must be output. However, depending on the specifications of the parameter collection definition, the file attachment might not always be output correctly. The script returns 0 if successful, or another value otherwise. The standard output and standard error output are directed to the agent log.

@echo off
@rem Process to collect parameters from software
<Processing for each software product>
<Process to output parameter information to directory specified as %2 >
@rem Return results (normal)
exit /B 0
@rem Return results (error)
echo ERROR0002 Parameter collecting failed. 1>&2
exit /B 1

Discovery script format (shell scripts) [Linux]

Create the discovery script for shell scripts ( using the format shown below.

The -dir option must be specified as the first argument ($1), and the directory to which the parameter information should be output must be specified as the second argument ($2). Information about the parameters collected in this directory is output to the parameter information XML file (parameterinfo.xml) and to the file attachment. Output is not required when there is no file attachment. The script returns 0 if successful, or another value otherwise. The standard output and standard error output are directed to the agent log.

# Process to collect parameters from software
<Processing for each software product>
<Process to output parameter information to directory specified as $2 >
# Return results
if [ $? = "0" ]; then
 # Returns normal
 exit 0
 # Returns an error
 echo "ERROR0002 Parameter collecting failed." 1>&2
 exit 1

Output directory for discovery script

When using the discovery script to output parameter information, output using the directory format shown below. A parameter information XML file must be created. Only create a file attachment if required.

+ <Output directory>
  + Collected parameter information XML file (parameterinfo.xml)
  + File attachment for collected parameters

Parameter information XML file format

Create the discovery script so that the parameters collected by this script are output to the parameter information XML file. In this parameter information XML file, specify values for the tags of the keys and values in the parameters. For other tags, specify any value, or omit altogether.

An example of the parameter information XML file output is shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<parameterInfo version="3.0">
	<name><parm info name></name>
			<key><parm key></key>
			<value><parm val></value>


For examples of parameter information XML files, refer to "2.1.4 Parameter Settings Scripts".


  • Commands that cannot be used with a script

    Do not execute the following commands from a script, because this will cause the script to enter standby status on the business server, and its processing will not complete:

    • Commands that require interaction [Windows/Linux]

    • Commands for which a window opens during execution [Windows]

    • AT commands [Windows]

    • Shell scripts created using PowerShell [Windows]

    • Commands running in full-screen mode [Linux]

  • Parameter collection scripts

    • Order of execution

      The parameter collection scripts do not operate in any particular order.

  • Discovery scripts

    • Execution privileges

      Must be executed by an Administrator in Windows.

      Must be executed by a superuser in Linux.

    • Current directory

      The current directory is the path in which the discovery script files are stored.

    • Execution privileges [Linux]

      Configured automatically during execution.

    • Line feed

      In Windows, use CR+LF.

      In Linux, use LF.

    • Byte order mark (BOM) [Linux]

      Do not include the UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) in shell scripts.

  • File attachments

    • Execution privileges [Linux]

      If a file attachment includes a shell script, configure execution privileges within the discovery script of the shell script.