Information messages are messages that notify regarding the processing situation and the processing result of PowerBSORT.
When I is specified for the following specification, the error message is output.
Environment variable BSORT_MSGLEVEL
-l option in bsort command
msglevel operand of -option option in bsortex command
msglevel of BSRTPRIM structure in BSORT function
The explanation form of the information messages is shown as follows.
Message text
Embedded variable
Embedded variable in the information message is shown as follows.
%s: Meaning of character string shown at position of %s
When two or more embedded variable exists, the serial number is added to %s.
Example) %s1, %s2
The operation of PowerBSORT is shown.
The information messages are shown as follows.
Number of input records is %s.
Embedded variable
%s: The total number of records loaded from input file or user application.
Process will continue.
Number of output records is %s.
Embedded variable
%s: The total number of records read out to output file or those returned to user application.
Process will continue.
Number of suppress records is %s.
Embedded variable
%s: The number of records ignored during the process of the record selection, the record summation and the suppression option.
Process will continue.
Number of output records for %s1 is %s2.
Embedded variable
%s1: Output file path name.
%s2: Number of output records.
Process will continue.
Number of suppress records for SELECT is %s.
Embedded variable
%s: Number of records suppressed by record selection option.
Process will continue.
Number of suppress records for SUM is %s.
Embedded variable
%s: Number of records suppressed by record summation option.
Process will continue.
Number of suppress records for SUPPRESS is %s.
Embedded variable
%s: Number of records suppressed by suppression option.
Process will continue.
Business Sort <<< %s1 >>> DATE %s2 TIME %s3
Embedded variable
%s1: Version of PowerBSORT
%s2: Date
%s3: Time
Process will continue.
Business Sort <<< %s1 >>> DATE %s2 TIME %s3
Embedded variable
%s1: Version of PowerBSORT
%s2: Date
%s3: Time
Process will continue.