This property sets the number of records to be skipped from the input file in the sort processing, merge processing and copy processing.
object.InputFilesSkiprec = string [ ,string ... ]
This specifies object expressions that define references to objects.
This sets the number of records to be skipped from the head of the input file.
This sets the number of records to be skipped from the head of the input file. The skipped records are not to be sorted nor merged nor copied.
The number of skipped records can be specified for each input file. Delimit it with comma (,) corresponding to the order of the input file specified in the InputFiles property.
When the specification is omitted, all the records are to be processed. When the specified number of the record is less than the number of input file names, all the records of the input file not specified are to be processed. When the specified number is more than the number of input file names, the specifications that do not correspond to the input file are invalid.