The command form for using the copy option is shown below.
bsortex [ -h ] [ -a argument-file ] [ -define keyword=word-definition [ keyword=word-definition...] [ -define...] ] -copy [ -record [ recform=record-format ] { [ fldsep=field-separate ] | [ fldsepx=field-separate-hex ] } ] -input reclen=record-length
[ file=file-name [ ,file-name...] [ file=...] [ filesys=file-system [ /owner-name [ ,owner-name...] ] ] ] [ { include=condition-expression [ ,condition-expression ] [ include=...] | omit=condition-expression [ ,condition-expression ] [ omit=...] } ] [ reconst=reconst-definition [ ,reconst-definition...] [ reconst=...] ] [ eof= { effect | ignore } ] [ -output [ file=file-name [ ,file-name...] [ file=...] [ filesys=file-system ] ] [ maxfilesize=max-filesize ] [ maxrecnum=max-recordnumber ] [ { include=condition-expression [ ,condition-expression ] [ include=...] | omit=condition-expression [ ,condition-expression ] [ omit=...] | case= { condition-expression [ ,condition-expression ] | other } [ case=...] } ] [ reconst=reconst-definition [ ,reconst-definition...] [ reconst=...] ] [ idxflag=index-flag ] [ idxkey=index-key [ ,index-key...] [ idxkey=...] ] [ linedlmt=line-delimiter ] [ removeeof ] [ -output...] ] [ -option [ colseq=col-def [ ,col-def...] [ colseq=...] ] [ icode=input-code ] [ iconv=input-conversion ] [ memsize=memory-size ] [ msgfile=message-file ] [ msglevel=message-level ] ]