PowerBSORT V7.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

3.2.28 Modify collation sequence option (-x)

Specifies information required to modify the collation sequence.
If col is specified in the key field data format, selection field (compared field or comparison field) data format, with the modify collation sequence function, comparison is made in the collation sequence specified in the Modify collation sequence option (-x). It is possible to specify information to modify multiple byte collating sequence values by separating the col-defs with commas (,).


-x col-def [ ,col-def ...]


This specifies information required to modify the collation sequence.
When describing in the format cctt and comparing records, if a field contains a byte equivalent to the hexadecimal number cc, that byte is evaluated as the hexadecimal number tt and compared. A hexadecimal number that is not specified in cc is not replaced and is compared as is.


  1. To compare the hexadecimal number 0x20 as the hexadecimal number 0x23, specify as follows:

    -x 2023
  2. If a col-def is specified more than once for the same hexadecimal number, the last specification is valid. In the example below, the hexadecimal number 0x20 is compared as the hexadecimal number 0x3A.

    -x 2023,2040,203A
  3. Specification when figures of ASCII code (0x30-0x39) are compared as a figure of the EBCDIC code (0xF0-0xF9) is as follows:

    -x 30F0,31F1,32F2,33F3,34F4,35F5,36F6,37F7,38F8,39F9