This specifies the field type when the input file is a text file.
-T { flt | fix | csv | tsv } [ ,{ n | w | N } b d i j ]
flt, fix, csv and tsv set the method for specifying the key field, selection field, reconstruction field and summation field. Continuing "n", "w", "N", "b", "d", "i", and "j" are the option arguments that specify the operations of the key fields and effective when the specification of the key field is omitted. To specify two or more operations, describe them successively. When csv and tsv are specified, the key field is not omissible.
This shows the text file floating field specification.
It is a form specified by the number of the field delimited by the field separator string. For information about the field separator string, refer to Field separator character option (-t). It has an exclusive relationship with the fix option argument, the csv option argument and the tsv option argument.
This shows the text file fixed field specification.
It is a form to specify in the byte position from the head. It has an exclusive relationship with the flt option argument, the csv option argument and the tsv option argument.
This shows the text file CSV format specification.
It is specified by the number of the field delimited by the comma character. It has an exclusive relationship with the flt option argument, the fix option argument and the tsv option argument.
This shows the text file TSV format specification.
It is specified by the number of the field delimited by the tab character. It has an exclusive relationship with the flt option argument, the fix option argument and the csv option argument.
Character strings of numbers that contain signs are compared with arithmetic values.
The result is not guaranteed when characters other than the numbers exist in the character string. It is in the exclusive relationship with "N" and "w".
Even if there are consecutive multi-byte characters, each character is compared.
It is in the exclusive relationship with "n" and "N".
Connected data of alphabet and numbers (for instance, data123 ) are evaluated and sorted separately for the alphabet and numerical value.
After only alphabets are targeted for the comparison and compared, character strings exclusively with numbers are compared with arithmetic values. Data is evaluated from the left of the specified field, and the data that appeared after effective data is disregarded. It is in the exclusive relationship with "n" and "w".
Blanks and tabs in the head of the key field are disregarded.
Only the blank and the alphanumeric character are compared.
Control character codes are disregarded.
Lowercase letters are compared as uppercase letters.
When the input file is a text file, it is necessary to specify Text file option (-T). When Text file option (-T) is omitted, it is treated as a binary file.