Key fields are used by the Sort function and the Merge function, a summation field is used by the Record summation option, a selection field (compared field and comparing field) is used by the Record selection option, and reconstruction fields are used by the Record reconstruction option.
Key fields are fields in a record used to determine collating sequence. The field definition consists of information on location, length, data format and operation method.
Summation fields are used in the summation option for summarizing fields. The summation field consists of information on location, length, data format and output form.
Selection fields are specified in the record selection option. The selection field consists of information on a compared field, comparing field or literal value and comparing operator. When two fields in a record are compared, the first specified field is called a compared field and the second is called a comparing field. When a field in a record is compared with a literal value, the first specified field is called a compared field.
A compared field consists of information on location, length, data format and operation method. A comparing field consists of information on location, length and data format of the field. A literal value is a character-string constant shown in constant of the decimal numbers or hexadecimal numbers and character strings.
The reconstruction fields are specified in the record reconstruction option and consists of information on location and length of the field in the record.
For reconstruction fields, constants of the decimal numbers or the character-string constants shown in the hexadecimal numbers and or character strings can be specified as literal values. In the record reconstruction option, literal values are used for embedding arbitrary figures or characters in a record.