PowerCOBOL V11.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

11.5 Using Other 3rd Party Controls Within PowerCOBOL

Please note that there are literally thousands of ActiveX controls available on the market from a wide variety of vendors.

You may use these controls in PowerCOBOL applications using the same approach as noted above.

That is, you can select these controls to add to your Toolbox palette by selecting the Custom Controls option from the Tools menu or clicking on the associated mini icon in the Form Editor.

The syntax for accessing custom control methods and properties that were not created in PowerCOBOL is the same syntax as you use for assessing controls created using PowerCOBOL.

One of the most confusing aspects of using this myriad of custom controls is obtaining documentation for a certain control you may be interested in that defines available methods, properties and data types for accessing it properly.

Some controls ship with simple readme files that explain how to use them. Other controls may be shipped with a Microsoft Compiled HTML Help (.chm file).

If you see a file named with the extension ".hlp", simply double click in it in the Windows Explorer and it will be brought up in the HTML help system.

If you build custom controls for external distribution yourself, it's always a good idea to provide some form of on-line documentation detailing how to make use of it.

If you cannot find documentation on a particular 3rd party control, try accessing the vendor's web site if such exists.

You should also be aware that while some 3rd party controls may be freely distributed, others require a license. Check with the control's vendor or documentation to determine this.