PowerCOBOL V11.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

9.12.2 Operation for VT_VARIANT data

PowerCOBOL operates on VT_VARIANT data used for properties or parameters of a method as follows:

PowerCOBOL converts it to data types depending on the target data types similar to the way VT_BSTR is converted. The VT_VARIANT type conversion is not decided until execution time, so there may be some cases that fail in converting. If a failure occurs, PowerCOBOL outputs an error message. In this case, you should check the program setting the VT_VARIANT data and change the value, which can be set, or use an intermediate Working-Storage data area as noted in the description of "Converting VT_BSTR data".

Note that controls and objects provided by PowerCOBOL do not offer the VT_VARIANT data type for the properties or parameters of their methods.