The following example shows a PowerCOBOL application using the *COM class to access Microsoft's ADO (Active Data Objects).
It uses an ADO Connection object to establish a connection to the database, and uses an ADO Recordset object to read records back from the database and place them into a ListBox control on the form.
You must remember when using the *COM class to define it in the form's REPOSITORY by right clicking on the form, selecting Edit ENVIRONMENT DIVISION, and then clicking on REPOSITORY. Then place the following line of code in the REPOSITORY section and save it:
In one of the form's event procedures, the following code will open an Access data base, read the records and add them to a ListBox control named LST-DISPLAY:
ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. 01 OBJ-CONNECTION OBJECT REFERENCE COM. 01 OBJ-RECORDSET OBJECT REFERENCE COM. 01 OBJ-FIELDS OBJECT REFERENCE COM. 01 OBJ-FIELD OBJECT REFERENCE COM. 01 PROGID-CONNECTION PIC X(8192) VALUE "ADODB.Connection". 01 PROGID-RECORDSET PIC X(8192) VALUE "ADODB.Recordset". 01 NAME-PROVIDER PIC X(8192) VALUE "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0". 01 NAME-DB PIC X(8192) VALUE "c:\sample.mdb". 01 NAME-TABLE PIC X(8192) VALUE "Employee". 01 NAME-FIELD PIC X(8192) VALUE "Name". 01 WK-VAL PIC X(8192). 01 WK-0 PIC S9(9) COMP-5 VALUE 0. 01 WK-1 PIC S9(9) COMP-5 VALUE 1. 01 IS-EOF PIC S9(4) COMP-5. PROCEDURE DIVISION. * Create ADO Connection object and Connect to DB invoke COM "CREATE-OBJECT" using PROGID-CONNECTION returning OBJ-CONNECTION. invoke OBJ-CONNECTION "SET-Provider" using NAME-PROVIDER. invoke OBJ-CONNECTION "Open" using NAME-DB. * Create ADO Recordset object and associate with "Employee" table invoke COM "CREATE-OBJECT" using PROGID-RECORDSET returning OBJ-RECORDSET. invoke OBJ-RECORDSET "Open" using NAME-TABLE OBJ-CONNECTION WK-0 WK-1 WK-0. * Copy "Name" field of "Employee" table to ListBox invoke OBJ-RECORDSET "GET-EOF" returning IS-EOF. perform with test before until IS-EOF not = 0 invoke OBJ-RECORDSET "GET-Fields" returning OBJ-FIELDS invoke OBJ-FIELDS "GET-Item" using NAME-FIELD returning OBJ-FIELD invoke OBJ-FIELD "GET-Value" returning WK-VAL invoke LST-DISPLAY "AddString" using WK-VAL set OBJ-FIELD to Null set OBJ-FIELDS to Null invoke OBJ-RECORDSET "MoveNext" invoke OBJ-RECORDSET "GET-EOF" returning IS-EOF end-perform. * Clean up invoke OBJ-RECORDSET "Close". set OBJ-RECORDSET to Null. invoke OBJ-CONNECTION "Close". set OBJ-CONNECTION to Null.
Note that PowerCOBOL ships with an ADO Data control to ease ADO development. This means that you do not need to use the *COM approach shown above to access ADO, but this example has been left in this manual to illustrate one of the more complex examples of using the *COM class.