PowerCOBOL V11.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

6.3.2 Creating an Installer

PowerCOBOL can create an installer for your PowerCOBOL application files. To have PowerCOBOL create the installer, select "Make Installer" from the File menu. PowerCOBOL creates the following files in the output folder (..\debug or ..\release depending on the project's BuildMode property):

When you run setup it prompts the user for an installation folder, creates it if necessary and installs the PowerCOBOL application files to that folder. It also installs files uninst.exe and uninst.inf used to uninstall the application.

When you uninstall an application, use "Add/Remove Programs" in the Windows Control Panel. If you execute uninst.exe directly, you cannot uninstall the application correctly.

Executing f5ddstev.exe determines whether a message box displayed when an automation error occurs at execution time. This setting works for all PowerCOBOL applications running on the computer. F5ddstev.exe is executed from the command line using one of these formats:

    Display the error message: 		f5ddstev /ERRMSGBOX:SHOW
    Do not display the error message: 	f5ddstev /ERRMSGBOX:HIDE