PowerCOBOL V11.0 User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

5.1.4 Navigating within the PowerCOBOL Editor Window

There are two ways to navigate within the Editor window. You can use the mouse or use a combination of keys on the keyboard. Moving the Cursor Using the Mouse

Moving the mouse directs the pointer on the screen to the position you want.

NOTE: Once the cursor is in position, clicking on either of the mouse buttons trigger actions. Moving the Cursor Using the Keyboard

To move the cursor using the keyboard, press the following keys or key combinations in order to navigate within the PowerCOBOL Editor window:

	HOME                 Move to the beginning of a line
	CTRL + HOME          Move to the beginning of a procedure
	END                  Move to the end of a line
	CTRL + END           Move to the end of a procedure
	PgUp                 Move to the previous screen
	PgDn                 Move to the next screen
	Up Arrow             Move up to the previous line
	Down Arrow           Move down to the next line
	Left Arrow           Move left to the previous character
	Right Arrow          Move right to the next character Inserting/Overwriting Characters

Text can be entered in one of two modes: insert mode or overwrite mode. In insert mode, the cursor is a blinking vertical line, and as you type, new text pushes existing text forward. In overwrite mode, the cursor is a block cursor, and as you type, new text replaces existing text.


When you are in overwrite mode, and press the ENTER key at the end of a line, on the next line, text entry returns to insert mode. Also, when you are in overwrite mode, if the cursor comes to a TAB character, what you type is inserted in front of the TAB character rather than overwriting it. However, if there is no room left to insert characters, the TAB is overwritten. (Try it. You'll like it.)

To switch between the two modes, press the INSERT key. The default is insert mode. Deleting Characters

Delete characters by pressing the DELETE or BACKSPACE key. The DELETE key erases characters ahead of the cursor. The BACKSPACE key erases characters behind the cursor.

You may additionally use the mouse to select a block to delete. You do this by moving the mouse to the start of the text, holding the left mouse button down and dragging the mouse to the end of the text. Release the mouse button to highlight the block of text. You can then hit the DELETE key to delete the selected block of text. Indenting Lines Automatically

To line up statements in a procedure, use the Indent feature to place spaces or tabs at the front of a line, by selecting Indent from the Options menu.

When you press the ENTER key at the end of a line and the indent function is active, the cursor is placed on a new line below and is automatically aligned (indented) with the text immediately above.