If you wish to change the tab order of a control, select that control individually by right clicking the mouse on it to display its Properties dialog box. Click on the Common tab, and the dialog box should look some like the following (note that the following dialog box is for a push button control - some property dialog boxes vary depending on the type of control selected):
Figure 4.8 The Common Properties dialog for a push button control
The number in the TabIndex field represents the numeric order in which each control will be tabbed to. In the above example, the CmCommand1 push button is currently the 1st control in the cursor movement order.
If you modify this value, other Controls will automatically have their tab index numbers modified accordingly.
The default number in this field will be the actual order in which the control first appeared on the form. For example, if you place a push button control on the form, and it is the third control you have created, its tab index number will be set to 3. This will occur regardless of its physical position on the form, and it will be the third control in the order in which the cursor moves from control to control.
PowerCOBOL now provides a very useful tab ordering utility. You can invoke it by selecting Tab Order from the Layout menu, or by clicking on the Tab Order icon on the Form Editor's toolbar.
In Windows applications, the TAB key and Shift + Tab keys move the focus forward and backward respectively through the fields on the form. In PowerCOBOL, you can set the order in the Tab Order utility window easier than you set it in the properties dialog.
To change the tab order of a specific control, simply hold the left mouse button down on it's icon in the left side of the Tab order window and drag it up or down to the desired tab location and let up on the mouse button.
Figure 4.9 The Tab Order dialog box.
Group view switch
Switches the indication between index order and group order.
Note that the controls which do not have a TabIndex property are not listed in the window. (e.g. Image control, Timer control, etc.)
When the button isn't pushed, the Tab Order window indicates the index order of the controls as follows:
Figure 4.10 The Tab Order dialog box - Index Order.
When the button is pushed, the window indicates the group order with a tree style:
Figure 4.11 The Tab Order dialog box - Group Order.
Refresh the list
If you click this button the list refreshes.
TabIndex setting
When the window indicates the index order, you can change the order of the TabIndex property using these buttons, and you can change the index with Drag&Drop operation.
Display TabIndex label
When you are editing the form window, if you click this button you can see the TabIndex number in the form window.
TabGroup setting
You can set the TabGroup property in this column.
TabStop Setting
You can set the TabStop property in this column.