NetCOBOL V11.0 NetCOBOL Studio User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

A.1.54 ZWB compile option

In a comparison between a signed zoned decimal item and an alphanumeric character field, this option specifies whether to ignore the sign part of the zoned decimal item (ZWB) or not (NOZWB). Here, an alphanumeric character means an alphanumeric data item, alphabetic item, alphanumeric edited data item, numeric edited data item, nonnumeric literal, or figurative constant other than ZERO.



Comparison of signed external decimal item and alphanumeric item

Specifies a method for comparing a signed zoned decimal item and an alphanumeric character field. The default is ZWB.


Compares the items ignoring the signed part.


Compares the items including the signed part.


77  ED  PIC  S9(3)  VALUE  +123.
77  AN  PIC  X(3)  VALUE  "123".

Under these conditions, the logical value of the conditional expression ED = AN is as follows:

  • If ZWB is specified ... True

  • If NOZWB is specified ... False