NetCOBOL V11.0 NetCOBOL Studio User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

A.1.23 MAP compile option

This option specifies whether to output a data map list, program control information list, and section size list (MAP) or not (NOMAP). If enabled, a data map list, program control information list, and section size list are output to the file specified by the PRINT compile option.



Output data map list

Specifies whether to output a data map list, program control information list, and section size list. The default is NOMAP.


Outputs a data map list, program control information list, and section size list.


Does not output a data map list, program control information list, and section size list.


To output a data map list, program control information list, and section size list, the PRINT compile option must be specified in addition to this option.