NetCOBOL V11.0 NetCOBOL Studio User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

A.1.13 EQUALS compile option

For multiple records with the same key in the SORT statement, this option specifies whether to guarantee that the SORT output records are in the same order as the SORT input records at execution time (EQUALS), or not (NOEQUALS).



Processing mode of same key data in SORT statement

Specifies how to process data with the same key in the SORT statement. The default is NOEQUALS.


Guarantees that the SORT output records are in the same order as the SORT input records at execution time.


Does not guarantee that the SORT output records are in the same order as the SORT input records at execution time.

Note: This option increases the SORT processing speed.


If EQUALS is specified, special processing is executed to guarantee the order of input during the sorting operation, and the execution speed decreases.