To implement remote debugging of a CORBA application, use attachment debugging. Run the CORBA application on the server while the debugger on the local PC is in the wait state. The procedure for starting the debugger is the same as that for attachment debugging.
The following settings are necessary. .
When the make file generates, you set the THREAD(SINGLE) compiler option.
Before starting the CORBA work unit, register various repositories. For details, refer to "11.8.1 Operation of CORBA Server Application". The registration of the interface repository executes the following commands.
IDLc -R -create IDL-filename
The IDL File is stored in the directory specified by a remote development of the CORBA server project.
When the following errors are output, change from "-create" to "-update", and reexecute it.
UX:OD: ERROR: od51107:IDLparser: Redeclaration of module name as an identifier. FILE=IDL-filename LINE=2 UX:OD: error: od51229:IDLc: Command error.STATUS=4
For other errors and details of the error, refer to "Interstage Application Server/Interstage Web Server reference manual (Command)"
When the CORBA work unit is started, set the following to the library path;
Interstage Application Server install folder/lib/nt (default is "/opt/FSUNod/lib/nt")
During remote debugging, when the CORBA work unit is started, set the CBR_ATTACH_TOOL environment variable.
When you operate the CORBA server application, change the THREAD(MULTI) compiler option as needed and rebuild.
If you rebuild, set the following to the library path;
Interstage Application Server install folder/lib/ (default is "/opt/FSUNod/lib/")