NetCOBOL V11.0 NetCOBOL Studio User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

7.1.1 Creating the debugging information file

In the debugging of the COBOL program, the debugging information file is prepared. When the build is executed by the following settings, the debugging information file is created.

  1. Display the property dialog box of the COBOL project.

  2. Select the "Target" in the left pane. The "Target" page is displayed.

  3. Check the "Build mode" of "Target" page. When "Debug" has been selected in the "Build mode", the debugging information file is created at build.

The setting of the build mode is effective only for the specified project.


The COBOL compiler creates the SVD File of each COBOL source file. At debugging, store the SVD file in the same folder as the executable file. In remote debugging, when a local machine is selected as a server, you copy the debugging information File with the execution file.