NetCOBOL V11.0 NetCOBOL Studio User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

6.5.3 Analyzing dependency of repository file

To build a project including object-oriented COBOL source files, the dependency between the COBOL source files must be set before the build. By setting that dependency, the COBOL source files are built in the correct sequence. If the dependency is not set correctly, a compile error may occur during the build. When a project is created or COBOL source files are added to the Source Files folder, the added source files are analyzed and the dependency is set automatically. However, when the REPOSITORY paragraph of a COBOL source program has been edited, the dependency must be analyzed manually before a build is executed.

To analyze the dependency, select a project in the "Dependency" view of NetCOBOL Studio, and then select "Analyze Dependency" > "All" from the context menu.


The message "abc.rep: dose not exist" is displayed in the Console view when the dependency is analyzed. Repository files (*.rep) for the object-oriented COBOL source files in a project are created only after the source files are compiled. Therefore, if the dependency is analyzed before the build, that message is displayed. When the dependency analysis itself has been correctly performed, the project can be built without any special measure taken.