NetCOBOL V11.0 NetCOBOL Studio User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

6.1.5 Setting Library names

To build a source COBOL program that includes the COPY statement specifying library names, use the Library Name option to specify the library names and the library file storage folder.

Adding a library name

To add a library name:

  1. Select a COBOL project in the "Dependency" or "Structure" view.

  2. Select "File" > "Properties" from the menu bar, or "Property..." from the context menu. The property dialog box appears.

  3. Select "Build" in the left pane. The "Build" page is displayed.

  4. Select the "Library Names" tab. The "Library names" page is displayed.




Adds a library option. Click the "Add" button. The "Add Library Name" dialog box appears. Specify a library name in "Library name". Specify the library file storage folder in "Select folder". The folder can also be selected by clicking the "Browse" button.


Changes the selected library folder. Click the "Change" button. The "Modify Library Name" dialog box appears. Change the folder. (Library names cannot be changed in the "Modify Library Name" dialog box.)


Deletes the selected library option.


  • In compilation with the ALPHAL(ALL) or ALPHAL(WORD) option, and a library name described in lowercase letters in the source program, the library name is treated as being coded in uppercase letters. If the library name specified in the source program is coded in lowercase letters, the intended library file cannot be read. To perform compilation with the ALPHAL(ALL) or ALPHAL(WORD) option, specify the library name in uppercase letters as described above.

  • When compiling the source program including the COPY statement without specifying the COBOL library name, specify the COBOL library folder using the compiler option LIB.