NetCOBOL V11.0 NetCOBOL Studio User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.3.1 Manage COBOL project Adding a project

The following projects can be added to the COBOL solution project:

Use the "Project Management" dialog box to add a project.

  1. Select "Project Management" from the context menu of the COBOL solution project.
    The "Project Management" dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select the project to be added and select a project from "Workspace's" projects", and then click the "Add-->" button.
    A project is added in "Solution's projects".

  3. Click the "Finish" button.


  • A project can only be added to one COBOL solution project. To add it in another COBOL solution project, close the COBOL solution project that already has it or remove it from the COBOL solution project. Close a project by selecting the project to be closed and then selecting "Close Project" from "Project" menu, or by selecting the project to be closed in the "Navigator" view and then selecting "Close Project" from context menu.

  • When the COBOL solution project exists in workspace, if import the other COBOL solution project or update the multiple COBOL solution projects that are shared among projects, the project has been added to the multiple COBOL solutions. In this case, to make sure that the project has been added to one of the COBOL solution, close the COBOL solution project, or remove the project from the COBOL solution project. Remove Project

When Remove Project is selected the target project is removed from the COBOL solution project.

Remove a project by using the "Project Management" dialog box.

  1. Select the "Project Management" from the context menu of the COBOL solution project.
    The "Project Management" dialog box is displayed.

  2. Select the project that you want to remove from the "Solution's projects" and then click the "<-- Remove" button.
    The selected project is deleted from the "Solution's projects" and added into the "Workspace's projects".

  3. Click the "Finish" button.


A project that is in the following state is unable to be added into a "Workspace's projects" after being removed from a COBOL solution project.

  • Project does not exist in the workspace

  • The COBOL solution project in operation has been added to another COBOL solution project