NetCOBOL V11.0 NetCOBOL Studio User's Guide
FUJITSU Software

3.7.2 Associating a task with a COBOL source file

Associating a task with a COBOL source file designates the sections to be displayed in a task list. To associate a task with a COBOL source file:

  1. Use the COBOL editor to display the COBOL source file.

  2. Using the vertical ruler on the left side of the COBOL editor, go to the line in the source file where the new task is to be recorded and select Add Task from the context menu.

  3. Set the contents and priority of the task in the New Task dialog box, and click the OK button. The task is added to the Tasks view, and an icon representing the task is displayed to the left of the line on which the task was added.

  4. The task in the COBOL source file can be displayed with the COBOL editor by double-clicking on the task in the Tasks view.

  5. To delete the task, select Remove Task from the context menu of the task icon, or select the task in the Tasks view and press the Delete key.