PRIMECLUSTER  Installation and Administration Guide4.3

G.1 Setup Procedures for When Building Cluster Applications

  1. Use the userApplication Configuration Wizard and create the cluster applications.

  2. Login to one optional node using system administrator privileges.

  3. Stop the RMS.

    # hvshut -a
  4. Start up the hvw.

    *For this procedure, the configuration definition file is assumed to be "config."

    # hvw -n config
  5. Select "4) Application-Edit."

    banana: Main configuration menu, current configuration: config
    No RMS active in the cluster
    1) HELP                                  10) Configuration-Remove
    2) QUIT                                  11) Configuration-Freeze
    3) Application-Create                    12) Configuration-Thaw
    4) Application-Edit                      13) Configuration-Edit-Global-Settings
    5) Application-Remove                    14) Configuration-Consistency-Report
    6) Application-Clone                     15) Configuration-ScriptExecution
    7) Configuration-Generate                16) RMS-CreateMachine
    8) Configuration-Activate                17) RMS-RemoveMachine
    9) Configuration-Copy
    Choose an action: 4
  6. Select "4) OPTIONS."

    Edit: Application selection menu (restricted):
    1) HELP
    2) QUIT
    3) RETURN
    4) OPTIONS
    Application Name: 4
  7. Select "5) ShowAllAvailableWizards."

    Edit: selection criteria:
    1) HELP
    2) RETURN
    3) NONE
    4) ShowTurnkeyWizardsOnly
    5) ShowAllAvailableWizards
    6) ApplicationsOnly
    7) SearchPattern
    8) ShowSubApplications
    9) FlagApplications
    Set selection criteria: 5
  8. Select the number for userApplication.

    Here the userApplication is set as "userApp_0," so select "7)."

    Edit: Application selection menu:
    1) HELP
    2) QUIT
    3) RETURN
    4) OPTIONS
    5) Procedure0
    6) Procedure1
    7) userApp_0
    Application Name: 7
  9. Select the number for (PreCheckScript=).

    Here select "13" for "(PreCheckScript=)."

    Settings of application type "generic" (consistent)
     1) HELP
     2) NO-SAVE+EXIT
     3) SAVE+EXIT
     4) ApplicationName=userApp_0
     5) AdditionalMachine
     6) AdditionalConsole
     7) AdditionalSubApplication
     8) Machines[0]=bananaRMS
     9) Machines[1]=grapeRMS
    10) SubApplications[0]=Procedure0
    11) SubApplications[1]=Procedure1
    12) (HostSpecificSubApplication=no)
    13) (PreCheckScript=)
    14) (PreOnlineScript=)
    15) (PostOnlineScript=)
    16) (PreOfflineScript=)
    17) (PostOfflineScript=)
    18) (OfflineDoneScript=)
    19) (FaultScript=)
    20) (AutoStartUp=yes)
    21) (AutoSwitchOver=HostFailure|ResourceFailure|ShutDown)
    22) (PreserveState=no)
    23) (PersistentFault=1)
    24) (ShutdownPriority=)
    25) (OnlinePriority=0)
    26) (StandbyTransitions=ClearFaultRequest|StartUp|SwitchRequest)
    27) (LicenseToKill=no)
    28) (AutoBreak=yes)
    29) (AutoBreakMaintMode=no)
    30) (HaltFlag=yes)
    31) (PartialCluster=0)
    32) (ScriptTimeout=)
    Choose the setting to process: 13
  10. Select "4) FREECHOICE."

    1) HELP
    2) RETURN
    3) NONE
    Enter the command line to start prior to the application becoming ONLINE: 4
  11. On the bottom of the same screen ">>" is displayed, and one has become able to input the PreCheckScript script's file path.

    Specify /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clprechktrigger for the PreCheckScript script's file path.

    1) HELP
    2) RETURN
    3) NONE
    Enter the command line to start prior to the application becoming ONLINE: 4
           >> /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clprechktrigger
  12. Select the number for (PostOnlineScript=).

    Here, select "15)" for "(PostOnlineScript=)."

    Settings of application type "generic" (consistent)
     1) HELP
     2) NO-SAVE+EXIT 
     3) SAVE+EXIT
     4) ApplicationName=userApp_0
     5) AdditionalMachine
     6) AdditionalConsole
     7) AdditionalSubApplication 
     8) Machines[0]=bananaRMS
     9) Machines[1]=grapeRMS 
    10) SubApplications[0]=Procedure0
    11) SubApplications[1]=Procedure1
    12) (HostSpecificSubApplication=no)
    13) (PreCheckScript='/etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clprechktrigger')
    14) (PreOnlineScript=) 
    15) (PostOnlineScript=)
    16) (PreOfflineScript=)
    17) (PostOfflineScript=)
    18) (OfflineDoneScript=)
    19) (FaultScript=)
    20) (AutoStartUp=yes)
    21) (AutoSwitchOver=HostFailure|ResourceFailure|ShutDown)
    22) (PreserveState=no)
    23) (PersistentFault=1)
    24) (ShutdownPriority=)
    25) (OnlinePriority=0)
    26) (StandbyTransitions=ClearFaultRequest|StartUp|SwitchRequest)
    27) (LicenseToKill=no)
    28) (AutoBreak=yes)
    29) (AutoBreakMaintMode=no)
    30) (HaltFlag=yes)
    31) (PartialCluster=0)
    32) (ScriptTimeout=)
    Choose the setting to process: 15
  13. Select "4) FREECHOICE."

    1) HELP
    2) RETURN
    3) NONE
    Enter the command line to start after the application became ONLINE: 4
  14. At the bottom of the same screen, ">>" is displayed, and one has become able to input the PostOnlineScript script's file path.

    Specify /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clpostontrigger for the PostOnlineScript script's file path.

    1) HELP
    2) RETURN
    3) NONE
    Enter the command line to start after the application became ONLINE: 4
            >> /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clpostontrigger
  15. Select the number for (PreOfflineScript=).

    Here, select "16)" for "PreOfflineScript=)."

    Settings of application type "generic" (consistent)
     1) HELP 
     2) NO-SAVE+EXIT 
     3) SAVE+EXIT
     4) ApplicationName=userApp_0
     5) AdditionalMachine
     6) AdditionalConsole
     7) AdditionalSubApplication 
     8) Machines[0]=bananaRMS
     9) Machines[1]=grapeRMS 
    10) SubApplications[0]=Procedure0
    11) SubApplications[1]=Procedure1
    12) (HostSpecificSubApplication=no)
    13) (PreCheckScript='/etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clprechktrigger')
    14) (PreOnlineScript=) 
    15) (PostOnlineScript='/etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clpostontrigger')
    16) (PreOfflineScript=)
    17) (PostOfflineScript=)
    18) (OfflineDoneScript=)
    19) (FaultScript=)
    20) (AutoStartUp=yes)
    21) (AutoSwitchOver=HostFailure|ResourceFailure|ShutDown)
    22) (PreserveState=no)
    23) (PersistentFault=1)
    24) (ShutdownPriority=)
    25) (OnlinePriority=0)
    26) (StandbyTransitions=ClearFaultRequest|StartUp|SwitchRequest)
    27) (LicenseToKill=no)
    28) (AutoBreak=yes)
    29) (AutoBreakMaintMode=no)
    30) (HaltFlag=yes)
    31) (PartialCluster=0)
    32) (ScriptTimeout=)
    Choose the setting to process: 16
  16. Select "4) FREECHOICE."

    1) HELP
    2) RETURN
    3) NONE
    Enter the command line to start prior to the application becoming OFFLINE: 4
  17. At the bottom of the same screen, ">>" is displayed, and one has become able to input the PreOfflineScript script's file path.

    Specify /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clpreofftrigger for the PreOfflineScript script's file path.

    1) HELP
    2) RETURN
    3) NONE
    Enter the command line to start prior to the application becoming OFFLINE: 4
            >> /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clpreofftrigger
  18. Select the number for (OfflineDoneScript=).

    Here, select "18)" for "(OfflineDoneScript=)."

    Settings of application type "generic" (consistent)
     1) HELP 
     2) NO-SAVE+EXIT 
     3) SAVE+EXIT
     4) ApplicationName=userApp_0
     5) AdditionalMachine
     6) AdditionalConsole
     7) AdditionalSubApplication 
     8) Machines[0]=bananaRMS
     9) Machines[1]=grapeRMS 
    10) SubApplications[0]=Procedure0
    11) SubApplications[1]=Procedure1
    12) (HostSpecificSubApplication=no)
    13) (PreCheckScript='/etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clprechktrigger')
    14) (PreOnlineScript=) 
    15) (PostOnlineScript='/etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clpostontrigger')
    16) (PreOfflineScript='/etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clpreofftrigger')
    17) (PostOfflineScript=)
    18) (OfflineDoneScript=)
    19) (FaultScript=)
    20) (AutoStartUp=yes)
    21) (AutoSwitchOver=HostFailure|ResourceFailure|ShutDown)
    22) (PreserveState=no)
    23) (PersistentFault=1)
    24) (ShutdownPriority=)
    25) (OnlinePriority=0)
    26) (StandbyTransitions=ClearFaultRequest|StartUp|SwitchRequest)
    27) (LicenseToKill=no)
    28) (AutoBreak=yes)
    29) (AutoBreakMaintMode=no)
    30) (HaltFlag=yes)
    31) (PartialCluster=0)
    32) (ScriptTimeout=)
    Choose the setting to process: 18
  19. Select "4) FREECHOICE."

    1) HELP
    2) RETURN
    3) NONE
    Enter the command line to start after the application became OFFLINE: 4
  20. At the bottom of the same screen, ">>" is displayed, and one has become able to input the OffliceDoneScript script's file path.

    Specify /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clpostofftrigger for the OfflineDoneScript script's file path.

    1) HELP
    2) RETURN
    3) NONE
    Enter the command line to start after the application became OFFLINE: 4
          >> /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clpostofftrigger
  21. Select "3) SAVE+EXIT."

    Settings of application type "generic" (consistent)
     1) HELP 
     2) NO-SAVE+EXIT 
     3) SAVE+EXIT
     4) ApplicationName=userApp_0
     5) AdditionalMachine
     6) AdditionalConsole
     7) AdditionalSubApplication 
     8) Machines[0]=bananaRMS
     9) Machines[1]=grapeRMS 
    10) SubApplications[0]=Procedure0
    11) SubApplications[1]=Procedure1
    12) (HostSpecificSubApplication=no)
    13) (PreCheckScript='/etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clprechktrigger')
    14) (PreOnlineScript=) 
    15) (PostOnlineScript='/etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clpostontrigger')
    16) (PreOfflineScript='/etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clpreofftrigger')
    17) (PostOfflineScript=)
    18) (OfflineDoneScript='/etc/opt/FJSVcluster/sys/clpostofftrigger')
    19) (FaultScript=)
    20) (AutoStartUp=yes)
    21) (AutoSwitchOver=HostFailure|ResourceFailure|ShutDown)
    22) (PreserveState=no)
    23) (PersistentFault=1)
    24) (ShutdownPriority=)
    25) (OnlinePriority=0)
    26) (StandbyTransitions=ClearFaultRequest|StartUp|SwitchRequest)
    27) (LicenseToKill=no)
    28) (AutoBreak=yes)
    29) (AutoBreakMaintMode=no)
    30) (HaltFlag=yes)
    31) (PartialCluster=0)
    32) (ScriptTimeout=)
    Choose the setting to process: 3
  22. Select "3) RETURN."

    Edit: Application selection menu:
    1) HELP
    2) QUIT
    3) RETURN
    4) OPTIONS
    5) Procedure0
    6) Procedure1
    7) userApp_0
    Application Name: 3
  23. Select "7) Configuration-Generate."

    banana: Main configuration menu, current configuration: config
    No RMS active in the cluster
     1) HELP                                        10) Configuration-Remove
     2) QUIT                                        11) Configuration-Freeze
     3) Application-Create                          12) Configuration-Thaw
     4) Application-Edit                            13) Configuration-Edit-Global-Settings
     5) Application-Remove                          14) Configuration-Consistency-Report
     6) Application-Clone                           15) Configuration-ScriptExecution
     7) Configuration-Generate                      16) RMS-CreateMachine
     8) Configuration-Activate                      17) RMS-RemoveMachine
     9) Configuration-Copy
    Choose an action: 7
  24. Select "8) Configuration-Activate."

    banana: Main configuration menu, current configuration: config
    No RMS active in the cluster
     1) HELP                                        10) Configuration-Remove
     2) QUIT                                        11) Configuration-Freeze
     3) Application-Create                          12) Configuration-Thaw
     4) Application-Edit                            13) Configuration-Edit-Global-Settings
     5) Application-Remove                          14) Configuration-Consistency-Report
     6) Application-Clone                           15) Configuration-ScriptExecution
     7) Configuration-Generate                      16) RMS-CreateMachine
     8) Configuration-Activate                      17) RMS-RemoveMachine
     9) Configuration-Copy
    Choose an action: 8
  25. Select "2) QUIT" and end hvw.

    banana: Main configuration menu, current configuration: config
    No RMS active in the cluster
     1) HELP                                     10) Configuration-Remove
     2) QUIT                                     11) Configuration-Freeze
     3) Application-Create                       12) Configuration-Thaw
     4) Application-Edit                         13) Configuration-Edit-Global-Settings
     5) Application-Remove                       14) Configuration-Consistency-Report
     6) Application-Clone                        15) Configuration-ScriptExecution
     7) Configuration-Generate                   16) RMS-CreateMachine
     8) Configuration-Activate                   17) RMS-RemoveMachine
     9) Configuration-Copy
    Choose an action: 2
  26. Write to the /etc/opt/FJSVcluster/etc/sc.d/clgettrigger.conf for all nodes the information for procedure resources using this function in the following format.

    RID"RID of procedure resource"="userApplication name"
    RID"RID of procedure resource"="userApplication name"      :

    In the setup example provided in this procedure, RID-29,30 is registered to the appl's userApplication,whereas the RID=36,37 is registered to the app2's userApplication.

  27. Restart all nodes.

    # /usr/sbin/shutdown -g0 -i6 -y