PRIMECLUSTER  Installation and Administration Guide4.3

11.2 Restoring the PRIMECLUSTER Operation Environment

Take the following steps to restore the PRIMECLUSTER operation environment:


  1. Boot the machine to be restored in single-user mode.


    After booting the machine in single-user mode, mount the file system by executing the "mountall -l" command and the "zfs mount -a command".

    Example: Reboot in single-user mode.

    # shutdown -g0 -i0 -y
    ... ok boot -s
    ... # mountall -l
    # zfs mount -a
  2. To restore the PRIMECLUSTER operation environment, execute the following command.

    /opt/SMAW/bin/cfrestore [ -f ] [ -p ] [ -y ] [ -M ] [ n ]


    For details on the command parameters, refer to the explanation of the cfrestore(1M) command.

    Example: Restore the PRIMECLUSTER operation environment.

    # cfrestore
    08/07/02 11:17:55 cfbackup 1 started ... 08/07/02 11:21:23 cfbackup 1 ended #
  3. Restore a single configuration file.


    The restoration function does not restore backed-up files. The system files mentioned here in are provided by the operation system (environment). Restore the backed-up files manually if necessary.

    Example: Pick up the "/etc/vfstab.pcl" file from the backup data "fuji2_ccbr1.tar.Z".

    1. Confirm the backup data "fuji2_ccbr1.tar.Z" and then check for the backed-up system file.

      # ls /var/spool/SMAW/SMAWccbr/*.tar.Z
      fuji2_ccbr1.tar.Z # zcat /var/spool/SMAW/SMAWccbr/fuji2_ccbr1.tar.Z | tar tvf - ./OS
      drwxrwxrwx 0/1 0 Nov 20 13:58 2002 ./OS/ drwxrwxrwx 0/1 0 Nov 20 13:57 2002 ./OS/etc/ ... -rw-r--r-- 0/1 909 Nov 20 13:57 2002 ./OS/etc/vfstab.pcl ... #
    2. Put the "/etc/vfstab.pcl" file in the "/var/tmp" directory.

      # cd /var/tmp
      # zcat /var/spool/SMAW/SMAWccbr/fuji2_ccbr1.tar.Z | tar xvf - ./OS
      x ./OS, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks x ./OS/etc, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks x ./OS/etc/hosts, 401 bytes, 1 tape blocks ... x ./OS/etc/vfstab.pcl, 909 bytes, 2 tape blocks ... #
    3. Restore part or all of the file contents by executing the "cp(1)" or "vi(1)" command.


      If an invalid correction is made to the system file, login may be disabled and the system may fail to boot.

  4. If the AutoStartUp function of the RMS has been validated, invalidate it.

    For details, see the "12 Appendix - Environment variables" in the "PRIMECLUSTER Reliant Monitor Services (RMS) with Wizard Tools Configuration and Administration Guide."

  5. Reboot the machine.

    Example: The machine is rebooted.

    # shutdown -g0 -i6 -y
  6. Distribute the RMS configuration.

    After completing procedures up to 5 using all cluster nodes, log in with system administrator authority and execute the command below using one of the nodes which configure the clusters.

    # /opt/SMAW/SMAWRrms/bin/hvw -xj -F Configuration-Activate
  7. Enable the AutoStartup function if it is disenabled.

    For details, see the "12 Appendix - Environment variables" in the "PRIMECLUSTER Reliant Monitor Services (RMS) with Wizard Tools Configuration and Administration Guide."

  8. Start up the RMS.

    For details, see the "7.1.1 Starting RMS" in the "PRIMECLUSTER Reliant Monitor Services (RMS) with Wizard Tools Configuration and Administration Guide."